Supply of IFPs and Smart TVs to AP schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II – Guidelines

Supply of IFPs and Smart TVs to AP schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II - Guidelines School Education… Read More

January 9, 2024

Supply of IFPS and Smart TVs to Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II Schools

Digital Infrastructure to Classrooms Supply of IFPS and Smart TVs to schools covered in Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II :School… Read More

November 17, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu – School infrastructure Maintenance Funds guidelines

Memo No.1840006 /MBNN/2022 Date: 02.11.2022 Sub: Mana Badi Nadu Nedu - School infrastructure MaintenanceFunds - allocation and operational Guidelines --… Read More

November 2, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – Civil works instructions

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Civil works instructions: Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Civil works should be completed by the… Read More

October 12, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – Instructions to complete roof laying

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Instructions to complete roof laying:Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - Instructions to complete roof laying in… Read More

October 12, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – School Painting instructions

Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - School Painting instructions :Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II - School Readiness Given in - STMS -… Read More

October 12, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu –Nedu, Phase-II – Grievance redressal related to CPM items Nomination of Nodal ofcer and otherstaf – orders issued-Reg.

Mana Badi Nadu –Nedu, Phase-II – Grievance redressal related to CPM items Nomination of Nodal ofcer and otherstaf – orders… Read More

January 19, 2023

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu ,Phase-II – Procurement of Ceramic Tiles – identify the Mandal stock points instructions

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu ,Phase-II - Procurement of Ceramic Tiles - identify the Mandal stock points instructionsMana Badi Nadu Nedu… Read More

December 9, 2022

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu -Not to engage School children

Mana Badi Nadu Nedu -Not to engage School children in an any Nadu Nedu Works Instructions issued Circular.No. 1904515/MBNN/2022 Dated.17.11.2022Ref: Pupils… Read More

November 17, 2022

SMF:Nadu Nedu School Maintenance Fund Revised Guidelines

SMF:Nadu Nedu School Maintenance Fund Revised GuidelinesMana Badi Nadu Nedu - School infrastructure Maintenance Funds - allocation and operational Guidelines… Read More

November 2, 2022