APREIS:Selection of 5th phase candidates for admissions into Classes 5th ,6th, 7th& 8th in APR Schools for theacademic year 2022-23 – Verification of certificates by the Principals

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APREIS:Selection of 5th phase candidates for admissions into Classes 5th ,6th, 7th& 8th in APR Schools for theacademic year 2022-23 – Verification of certificates by the Principals
Rc.No.ESE53-ACAD0ADM(VC)/1/2022-ACCD, Dt:18/08/2022
Sub: APREIS Academic-I(1) Selection of 5th phase candidates for
admissions into Classes 5th ,6th, 7th& 8th in APR Schools for the
academic year 2022-23 Verification of certificates by the Principals of
APR Schools- Instructions- Issued.
Ref:- This office Procs., Even No., dated.15.06.2022, 22.06.2022, 15.07.2022,
03.08.2022, 08.08.2022 & 10.8.2022.
In continuation to this office Proceedings under reference cited, all the
Principals of APR Schools are hereby informed that the school wise 5th phase
selection lists for admission of students into Classes 5th ,6th, 7th& 8th in APR
Schools for the academic year 2022-23 which were selected through Random
Selection Method on 18-08-2022 are made available in the website.
All the candidates were informed through SMS about their selection and the
parents shall download the allotment order to attend for verification of certificates at
the APR Schools concerned from 18-08-2022 to 22-08-2022.
The phone numbers of the students are available in the selection lists.
The Principals should call the students/parents and inform that the particular
student has been selected and allotted to their school and hence, to attend
concerned schools along with the original certificates i.e., Caste, Special
Category, PHC/ Orphan/ Children of Defense Personnel, Income certificate,
Study certificate etc., within stipulated time. In case the admission is rejected
as per rules, the student/parents shall be informed by phone / personally with
reasons compulsorily.
All the Principals of APR Schools are further directed to complete the 5th
phase admissions process by 22-08-2022 duly following the guidelines already
issued vide references cited and after thorough verification of certificates, they have
to upload the confirmation of joined / not joined candidates particulars in jnbnivas
website from 18-08-2022 to 22-08-2022 without fail.
The Regional Deputy Secretaries, Andhra & Rayalaseema, shall monitor the
entire process from time to time and see that the process shall be completed within
stipulated time and shall submit the school wise compliance report with all details to
the under signed on or before 22-08-2022.
Any deviation against the instructions / guidelines issued will be viewed
seriously and necessary action shall be initiated against the defaulters.
Receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged.

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