Instructions on implementation of action to be takenagainst the Child abuse on school children

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Instructions on implementation of action to be taken
against the Child abuse on school children
Rc.No.Spl/SCERT/2022 Dated:-19/08/2022
Sub :
SE- SCERT, A.P.- Instructions on implementation of action to be taken
against the Child abuse on school children- Issued- Regarding.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the
District educational Officers in the State are informed that as per the
directions given by the Honorable Supreme Court of India and Juvenile
Justice Committee of Hon’ble High-Court, Department of School Education
has taken steps to create awareness about child sexual abuse and POCSO
act among children. In this connection the Department has prepared two
posters and a model complaint box which are to be kept in all schools under
all managements.
Printing & supply of posters and complaint box may take 2 months
time. Meanwhile, DEOs should make arrangements to print and display the
posters which are enclosed in PDF format along-with this proceedings.
Posters should be displayed in prominent places in the schools, visible to all
students. A complaint box of appropriate size and suitable material shall be
pepared and kept outside the HMs’s room and shall be reachable to all
The following measures to be taken on implementation .
1. Maintaining uniformity of Poster size throughout the district.
2. Any small box with a lock fixed to a wall can used as complaint box.
3. Budget can be met from the school maintenance grant for printing of posters
and complaint box.
4. Concerned Mandal Educational officer, in the presence of officers from other
departments, including a woman police constable from the nearby police
station and ANM shall open the complaint box every 15 days and read the
complaints dropped in the complaint box. They should inform about the
complaints to the concerned department for taking necessary action.
5. The identity of the complainant shall not be disclosed at any point and
shall be kept confidential.
6. MEOs shall send regular report to the DEO and DEO should send fortnightly
report to Director, SCERT on 1st and 15th of every month in the proforma
Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all
the District educational Officers in the State are requested to issue
necessary instructions accordingly to the Deputy Educational Officers,
Mandal Educational officers , Head Master under their purview to stop child
abuse in schools. The instructions shall be followed scrupulously.
This should be treated as Most important and Urgent priority.
Encl: – Poster format in PDF S Suresh Kumar

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