Promotion to the post of Deputy
Director/District Educational Officer – One time exemption: School Education – A.P.E.S – Promotion to the post of Deputy Director/District Educational Officer – One time exemption from
G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:Ser.II) Department, Dated:19.01.2011 to
consider one feeder category against the posts (cycle points) earmarked for
the other category, in case that particular feeder category is not available for
promotion to DEO/DD – Orders – Issued.

G.O.Rt.No:282 Dated:08/11/2023
Read the following:
1. G.0.Ms.No. 505, Education (Ser.I) Dept., dt: 16-11-1998.
2. G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II) Department, Dated:19.01.2011
3. From the Commissioner of School Education, Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-
11022/107/2020-EST1-CSE-Part(4), dated:28/10/2023.
The Commissioner of School Education, vide reference 3™ read above
has stated that the Government have issued amendments to the Andhra
Pradesh Educational Service Rules issued in Rule 3 of G.0.Ms.No.505,
Education (Ser.I) Dept., dt: 16-11-1998 for the purpose of promotion to the
Category 1 of Class II (Deputy Director/District Educational Officer), vide
G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II) Department, Dated:19.01.2011,
according to which, the following 9 point cycle shall be followed from the four
feeder categories:-
1) | Deputy Educational Officer
2) | Assistant Director
3) | Lecturer in CTE/IASE/SCERT
4) | Deputy Educational Officer
5) | Senior Lecturer in DIET
6) | Assistant Director
7) | Lecturer in CTE/IASE/SCERT
8) | Deputy Educational Officer
9) | Senior Lecturer in DIET
2. The Commissioner of School Education, has further stated that, out of
the (4) feeder categories for the posts of District Educational Officer/Deputy
Director, no Deputy Educational Officer and Senior Lecturer, CTE/IASE/SCERT
are working in the State at present. One Senior Lecturer, DIET only is
available. During previous DPC for filling up of the DEO/DD posts,
Government have not considered one feeder category employees against the
posts (cycle points) earmarked for the other category, even though that
particular feeder category employees are not available, which has resulted in
carry forwarding of (2) DEO vacancies and left unfilled till date.
3. The Commissioner of School Education, has stated that, in the present
panel year, (14) posts of existing and anticipated vacancies of DEO/DD are
available and of the (4) feeder categories, Assistant Directors and one Senior
Lecturer, DIET are available for DEO/DD promotion. If the same procedure is
adopted by the Government, for this panel year also as was done in the
previous DPC, out of (14) existing and anticipated vacancies of the District
Educational Officer/Deputy Director, about 4-5 only will be filled up, and this will impede the smooth administration of the Department. Further, the DEOs
are district heads of the School Education Department and keeping these
posts unfilled/vacant will adversely affect the key performance indicators of
the department.
4. The Commissioner of School Education has stated that, the above
situation necessitates considering the available feeder categories viz.,
Assistant Director and Senior Lecturer, DIET for filling up of all the existing
and anticipated vacancies of the posts of District Educational Officer/Deputy
Director for the panel year 2023- 24, as it will take considerable time for
recruiting the unavailable feeder categories. Further, as the B.Ed. subject
matter was transferred to the Higher Education Department, there will be no
further recruitment for the posts of Lecturer, CTE/IASE. The proposal for
necessary amendment to G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II) Department,
Dated:19.01.2011 to consider one feeder category against the posts (cycle
points) earmarked for the other category, in case that particular feeder
category is not available along with restructured cycle points, will be sent to
Government separately.
5: The Commissioner of School Education has therefore, requested the
Government to consider this as a special case/one time exemption to fill up
all the existing and anticipated vacancies of the posts of District Educational
Officer/Deputy Director for the panel year 2023-24, with the available
Assistant Director and a Senior Lecturer, DIET and not to carry forward to the
next panel year, in the interest of the department, as it may take at least 3 to
4 years to get the qualified persons in those unavailable feeder categories,
pending proposed amendment to G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II)
Department, Dated:19.01.2011.
6. Government, after careful examination of the matter, hereby issue
orders giving one time exemption to G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II)
Department, Dated:19.01.2011, to fill up all the existing and anticipated
vacancies of the posts of District Educational Officer/Deputy Director for the
panel year 2023-24, with the persons from available feeder categories
mentioned in the 9 point cycle i.e., Assistant Director and Senior Lecturer,
DIET, without carry forwarding any posts for which no eligible candidate is
available (against the cycle points allocated for Deputy Educational Officer
and Lecturer, CTE/IASE/SCERT), as a special case in the interest of better
administration and administrative exigency, pending amendment to the
G.0.Ms.No.4, Education (SE:SER.II) Department, Dated:19.01.2011.
P The Commissioner of School Education shall take further necessary
action accordingly, in the matter.
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