Delegation of powers for Providing the facility of scribe, grant of Exemptions and Concessions to the Children with Special Needs (CwSN):Rc.No.601/C26-1/IPE March 2024, Date: 07/11/2023.

Sub: BIE, A.P – Exams– Delegation of powers for Providing the facility of scribe, grant of
Exemptions and Concessions to the Children with Special Needs (CwSN) to the RIOs/DVEOs/DIEOs-Orders – Issued– Regarding.
Ref:1) G.O Ms.No.12, School Education(IE-A2)
Department, dt:04/03/2022.
2) Lr. Rc.No.601/C26-1/March/2024, Dt:28/10/2023.
In continuation of the instructions issued in the reference 2nd cited,
the Secretary, BIE, AP is pleased to delegate the powers to the Principals
of the colleges concerned for giving approval for providing scribe to the
Children with Special Needs (CwSN) who have already availed the facility
of scribe in their previous Public Examinations granted by SSC Board /
CBSE / BIEAP. This facility shall be available to the such students for both
theory and practical examination.
For other cases where students / parents / guardians are requesting
for scribe facility for the children who are going to appear in IPE 2024 and
IPASE 2024, the powers for approval of scribe facility for both theory and
practical examination are delegated to the RIOs/DVEOs/DIEOs concerned.
The Principals of the respective colleges, from where such requests are
made, shall verify the eligibility of such students and upload their
Disability Certifcates with their recommendation to provide scribe and
other Exemptions and Concessions to the Children with Special Needs
(CwNS) in terms of the references cites, in their Logins through APCFSS
JnanaBhumi Portal. The RIOs/DVEOs/DIEOs concerned shall verify and approve such requests online only through their respective logins on the
The Chief Superintendent of the Examination Centre concerned will
provide the Scribe to the eligible students or candidates can bring their
own Scribes, as per rules in vogue.