Particulars of Sons/
Daughters of Officers, Staff, RJDs, DVEOs, DIEOs, RIO setc. appearing for AP IPE March 2024: Rc.No.01/Spl./JSE-1I/March 2024 Dated: 07/11/2023.

Sub: B.l.LE. – A.P. – Tadepalli, Guntur – Particulars of Sons/
Daughters of Officers, Staff, RJDs, DVEOs, DIEOs, RIO setc. appearing for IPE March 2024 – Called for – Reg.
All the Officers and staff of Board of Intermediate Education, A.P,,
Tadepalli (including the Staff of Computer agency working with B.l.LE. and out
sourcing personnel), Regional Inspection Officers and their Staff, R]Ds, DVEOs,
DIEOs, RIOs and their Staff and all Chief Superintendents, College Staff,
Departmental Officers, Custodians, D.E.Cs and D.R.D.C members etc., who are
involved in the conduct of Intermediate Public Examinations and Spot Valuation
Camps are requested to submit the particulars i.e., Name of the candidate, I/l
year, Group, Name of the College in respect of their sons / daughters or close
relatives who are appearing for Intermediate Public Examinations, March 2024, if
any to the and on or
before -11-2023 for the purpose of record and for taking necessary action.
Hence, you are hereby informed to submit the details of your
sons/daughters in the following Proforma. If nobody is there, NIL is to be