ESSA Environmental Social systems Assessment Action Points for Nadu Nedu implemented schools /SALT

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ESSA Environmental Social systems Assessment Action Points for Nadu Nedu implemented schools 

Nadu Nedu Schools Environmental Action Points SALT Project 

Memo. No. SS-15021/8/2022-SAMO-SS, dt.15/10/2022

It is informed that, in the reference cited, the Govt. of A.P has initiated the ambitious ‘Mana Badi – Nadu Nedu’ initiative as an operation for transforming government schools into vibrant and competitive institutions. The initiative is aimed at reforming the school environment by providing financing for a standardized package of facilities through School Management Committees. The World Bank Group is supporting the state government in enhancing its educational outcomes by focusing on improving the quality of teaching and learning with a funding of US$ 250 million via the Supporting Andhra’s Learning Transformation (SALT) operation.

In this regard the SALT mission operation is focusing on three key results areas: 

(i) strengthened foundational learning, 

(ii) improved quality of teacher-student interactions, and 

(iii) strengthened institutional capacity and community engagement for service delivery.


Further, they are informed that the SALT Mission’s ESSA (Environmental Social systems Assessment) will focus on the following aspects.

  • References of ESSA, ESCP are at the link (
  • In this regard it is submitted that ESSA tasks/program action plan are to be regularly furnished in SALT tracker .
  • Tasks or activities which would fall under the purview would include:
  • Implementation of PAP actions on E&S aspects.
  • Prepare and update environmental guidelines and Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and providing to nodal officers, schools, PCs for implementation
  • Development of staf and capacity of various support agencies, PCs, and school leadership to manage environmental. The SSU (Sustainable School Units) of ESSA would develop and deliver training programs, operational, technical, and contractual staf as required for each result area and E&S actions, with support of PMC and other technical support consultants. Provide or arrange Information, Education, and Communication (IEC), and Training to all levels of staf, communities, and contractors/workers.
  • Prepare guidelines, action plans and arrange training/capacity building for Nadu Nedu implementation with Green Gift Box, and screen, implement, supervise and monitor E&S aspects.
  • Monitor the implementation of E&S aspects and EMP, collect and maintain school wise activities and E&S actions, with photographs and permits, minutes of meetings etc.
  • Periodical reporting to management on key EHS implementation, compliance, training actions, and any challenges related to specifc programs or institutional capacity and co-ordinate with PMU to solve any E&S issues.
  • Introduce Supervision and Monitoring Mechanisms and Ratings on E&S Aspects including, OHS (Operational Health Standards), facilities & housekeeping, labor facilities, and safety, noise & vibration
  • Prepare Maintenance and Service Charters for infrastructure created and supervising their implementation.
  • Co-ordinate various regulatory procedures at State Level in co­ordination with district officials
  • Check permits and ensure tender conditions on safe storage, handling, transporting recycling, and disposal to Suppliers, Recyclers, and Disposal agencies.
  • Include relevant conditions in contract documents of Vendors/Suppliers/Contractors as applicable to ensure compliance with all applicable Rules and Laws
  • Incorporate considerations related to environmental Issues due to the Products, operations, Wastes, and placement decisions
  • Integrate Green Gift Box, & EMP implementation into EMIS and Social Audit tool.
  • Monitoring outcome/outputs of infrastructure and environmental improvements through school visits, stakeholders opinions, EMIS, and Social Audit.
  • Participate and showcase program achievements during real / virtual mission.
  • Therefore, all the District Educational officers and Ex-Officio Project Coordinators & Additional Project coordinators of the Samagra Shiksha in the State are instructed to disseminate the action points on environmental aspects of ESSA to the all the stake holders of Nadu Nedu implemented schools and nodal officers at State, district, mandal, school and village level.
Encl: Action points of ESSA.    

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