Supply of quality Eggs to students in Schools/ Anganwadi Centers – Four (4) times a month – Orders -AP

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Supply of quality Eggs to students in Schools/ Anganwadi Centers – Four (4) times a month – Orders -AP

School Education Dept., – PM POSHAN – Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid day Meal) – Supply of quality Eggs to students in Schools/ Anganwadi Centers – Four (4) times a month – Orders – Issued – Regarding Memo, No.1773281/MDM/2022  Dated:-14-10-2022


  1. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27021/7/2022-MDM-CSE, 03.07.2022.
  2. This office Memo.No.ESE02-27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE, dt.13.07.2021.
  3. Agreements made with new suppliers of Eggs for 2022-23.
  4. This office Memo No.ESE02/27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE, Dt.25.07.2022.
  5. This office Memo No.ESE02/27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE, Dt.28.07.2022.
  6. This office Memo No.ESE02/27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE, Dt.02.08.2022.
  7. This office Memo No.ESE02/27021/85/2021-MDM-CSE, Dt.03.09.2022.
  8. Visit reports of State PMU team for inspection of MDM provided at Schools.
  9. Egg supply details as per IMMS app Et Dashboard.
  10. Memo No.1864266/RD-1 /A1/2022, Panchayat Raj Et Rural Development Department, Dt.12-10-2022
  11. Meeting with egg suppliers by Special Chief Secretary School Education and Principal secretary Women and Child Welfare Department held on 10.2022.
  12. Review meeting by Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh on Education held in 13.10.2022

The under mentioned suppliers are informed that, as per orders of Government, e-procurement notifications were issued through the e-Procurement portal for procurement and supply of Eggs to all Schools and Anaganwadi Centres under Jagananna Gorumudda and YSR Sampoorna Poshana Schemes respectively for the year 2022-23.


After the tender process, work orders were issued to the LI bidders in all Districts of the State except in Tirupathi District., and temporary supply arrangements are made in Tirupathi district, pending receipt of court orders.


As per supply conditions, deliver/ supply Schedule of Eggs to School points and marking on Eggs are issued as follows:-

S No

Period of Supply
of Eggs in Schools

Delivery Schedule
of Supplier

Marking Colour on each
Egg by the Supplier


1st to 10th

25th to 30th1315t of
Previous month



11th to 20″

6″ to 10″ of
present month



215t to 30th / 31st

16th to 20th of
present month



Further instructions were given to all Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State with regard to pre-dispatch inspections of Egg go-downs and monitoring the supply of Eggs as per conditions of the Agreement made with the suppliers regularly.

During the inspections conducted by Third Party inspection teams across the State and feedback received through various sources regarding supply of farm fresh Eggs to Schools/ Anganwadi Centres, the following observations are noticed:-


  1. Eggs were supplied to schools with different marking and also without marking in many schools.
  2. Small sized eggs were supplied to schools.
  3. There is delay in supply of eggs to schools in many places.
  4. Indents of required quantities were not provided by some HMs to the suppliers within time, causing delay in supply of eggs and also less than the required no. of Eggs supplied to particular school.
  5. Though supplied Eggs as per schedule, there are storage problems at schools due to holidays etc., hence some marked eggs are being returned.
  6. Due to supply of rotten Eggs to schools, students fell ill and faced health issues and the very objective of MDM scheme is defeated.
  7. Supply of Eggs from Farms to go downs, go downs to School points, 3-times in a month is also causing delay and eggs getting spoiled while cooking which is another bottleneck problem.

    The Third Party Teams and other District officials recommended strongly to supply eggs to the schools at least four times in a month to avoid health issues to the children


    The very aim of the Government is to provide farm fresh quality eggs directly from farms to the door step of Schools to provide adequate nutrition to the students/children.


    The Government has observed the findings of Third Party teams and feedback from officials and took serious note of the above issues in the supply of Eggs.


    Hence, the Government have observed the fact that all care has been already taken to release the bills to the suppliers well in time so as to avoid hardships to the suppliers and to ensure timely and quality supply, but it was noted that main objective of the supply of quality eggs in time to ensure daily nutrition to children was not fully achieved despite spending huge budget from the State exchequer additionally.


    Hence, the Government has given directions for introducing alternatives to eggs in the menu if the supplies are irregular and erratic and directed to ensure supply eggs to schools four times in a month instead of three times.


    Also, the Government has given instructions to strictly enforce the provisions made with regard to supply of small size eggs, non stamped eggs, delay in supply, rotten eggs etc., and take action against the defaulters including against the HMs who do not reject such eggs.


    The Government took note on the issues in providing indents intime to the suppliers for supply of eggs, as informed in the meeting held by the Special Chief Secretary to Govt., School Education and the Principal Secretary to Govt., Women and Child Welfare Department on 10.10.2022 and instructed the officials to give indents in time without fail.


    The Government has also given instructions for intensive inspections by Third Party Teams in ensuing weeks to avoid health issues to the children and to ensure quality nutrition in the form of eggs to the Students in time.

    The Government has thus decided that if the objective of providing eggs is not realized, Egg alternatives would replace the eggs in the menu completely to ensure daily recommended nutrition to the children.


    Therefore, the suppliers of Eggs to School points for the year 2022-23 are directed to :-


    1. Supply of eggs on weekly basis for Four (4) times in a month to enable supply of farm fresh quality eggs to students/children instead of 3 times with the same agreement cost.
    2. The indent of Eggs may be assessed as per average consumption in the previous phases and not more than 5% plus (+) of average required quantity based on the field situations and assessments may be taken for indent, to ensure supply of Eggs to all students to provide adequate nutrition and to avoid shortage at any point of time.
    3. Eggs should be provided to all students who demand, irrespective of having/ taking MDM in school and properly accounted for.
    4. Indents for required quantity of eggs shall be given from Monday to Wednesday of previous week by the HM concerned to MEG/ APM (SERP) for supply of Eggs next week.
    5. The ME)/ APM (SERP) should furnish the Mandal wise/ School wise Indent to the supplier on every Wednesday of the week.
    6. DEOs shall monitor and ensure that indents are given by the MEW APM (SERP) to the suppliers well before time and take necessary actions against the defaulting ME0s/ APMs.
    7. The supplier should supply Eggs as per indent to schools.
    8. The period in which eggs are to be supplied to the Schools points is from Thursday to Saturday of previous week for consumption in the next week (i.e., from Monday to Friday).
    9. The Eggs supplied for the specific week (period) should be used for the week for which it is supplied, and shall not be stored/ utilized for consumption in further weeks.
    10. The balance of un-utilized Eggs at the end of the Friday in the week should be utilized and provided to students by preparing an Egg dish/ recipe viz., Egg Burji etc., OR otherwise handover the un-utilized Eggs to the students of lower classes in the school and proper acknowledgement should be maintained in the register.
    11. The schedule of supply and marking on each egg is as follows:-


    Period of
    Supply of
    Eggs in a 

    Indent to be
    given by
    HM to

    Indent to be given to Supplier by MEO/APM

    Schedule of

    Colour on
    each Egg by
    the Supplier



    Monday          to

    Wednesday of previous week


    Thursday  to Saturday of previous week for consumption next week





















    Note.- I) If Saturday is holiday, supply to complete on Friday (ii) Some times only 2 or 3 days left out in first week of the month. The above discretion is given for marking on each egg particularly.


    1. Any delay in supply, non-marking on eggs, rotten egg supplied etc., will be bound to be rejected and replaced immediately.
    2. All other conditions of the agreement made with suppliers remain same.

    Therefore, . all the undermentioned suppliers in the State are hereby instructed to follow the conditions mentioned above and ensure the supply of the Eggs to schools points /Anganwadi center’s (4) four times a month instead of three times so as to enable fresh Et quality eggs reaching the Students/Children for smooth and successful implementation of PM POSHAN – Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) Scheme in the State duly following the instructions issued therein.


    This order comes in to force with effect from 24-10-2022.


    Any deviation in the above instructions, the suppliers will be held responsible and hence care to be taken in hygiene maintenance and quality Eggs supplied to the School children.


    All the Regional Director of School Education and District Education Officers are instructed to issue suitable instructions to all the Head Masters/ Mandal Educational Officers/ Assistant Project Managers(SERP) for compliance of the instructions issued therein scrupulously.


    If any District delays in giving the indent in time to the suppliers as per the schedule mentioned above, the concerned will be held accountable.


    The receipt of this order will be acknowledged.

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