Pension – Forwarding the Revision of Service / Family Pension proposals who retired / died while in service on or 01.07.2018 to Office of Accountant General, A.P., to authorize the service / family pension
AP PRC 2022 Pension Revision Proposals of retired, died employees Forwarding the Revision of Service / Family Pension proposals who retired / died while in service on or 01.07.2018 to Office of Accountant General, A.P., to authorize the service / family pension Pension revision proposals of retired / died employees to AG office for authorizing revised pension and commutation Pension revision proposals to the Accountant General / State Audit for authorizing revised pension and commutation
Memo No.ESE02-16021/78/2022 PENSION-CSE Dt.01/08/2022
Sub: SE – Pension – Forwarding the Revision of Service / Family Pension proposals who retired / died while in service on or 01.07.2018 to Office of Accountant General, A.P., to authorize the service / family pension – Reg.
Ref:-Memo. No. 1771517/General/A1/2022, Dt: 10-07-2022 of the Joint Secretary to Govt, SE, Govt. of AP
A copy of the Govt. memo in the reference cited together with its enclosures is here with communicated to all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and all the concerned Administrative departments / HoDs under the control of School Education Department in the state and they are requested to take necessary action while forwarding the proposals regarding revision of service / family pension, who retired/died while in service on or after 01.07.2018 to the office of the principal Accountant General. AP to authorize the revised Service/Family Pension accordingly, as AG office has incorporated newly implemented Revised Pay Scales, 2022 in PSMIS package
The receipt at the proceedings should be acknowledged forthwith.
Encls-As above.