TS EHCT: New Employees Health Scheme by forming an exclusive Employee Health Care Trust: HM&FW Department – Implementation of New Employees Health Scheme by forming an exclusive Employee Health Care Trust (EHCT)- Orders – Issued.
G.0.Ms.No.186, Dated:08.10.2023
Read the following:

- G.0.Ms.No.97, HM&FW (A1) Department, dated:7.6.2017.
- G.0.Ms.No.145, Finance (HRM.II) Department, dated:11.10.2017.
- Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Hyderabad
letter No.1058/EJHS/Admn/2023, dt:29.05.2023 and 15.06.2023.
In the reference 1read above, government have issued
comprehensive guidelines for providing cashless and qualitative treatment to
the state government employees, pensioners and their dependent family
- In the reference 2™ read above, government have sanctioned (15)
posts in Aarogyasri Health Care Trust (AHCT) for effective implementation of
Employees Health Scheme (EHS). - In the reference 3™ Chief Executive Officer (CEO), AHCT has informed
that government had communicated representations of different employees’
associations submitting their proposals for implementation of New
Employees’ Health Schemeas per recommendation of 1% Pay Revision
Commission(PRC)by forming a separate Trust and to run the same with the
contributions from the employees / pensioners with a matching contribution
by the state government and requested to examine the matter and furnish a
report to the government.
Further, CEO, AHCT has submitted proposals in the matter after
discussion with the representatives of employees’ associations. After taking
into consideration the proposal of CEO, AHCT the following orders are issued:
i A separate trust (Employee Health Care Trust) shall be formed for
implementation of new EHS, headed by the Chief Secretary to
Government with representatives of employees/ pensioners and
Government officials as members of the Board of Trustees as
a. Chief Secretary to Government – Chairperson
b. Special Chief Secretary to Government
Finance Department – Member
c. Secretary to Government, HM&FW Dept. – Member
d. Secretary to Government, Education Dept. – Member
e. Prl. Secretary to Government, Home Dept. – Member
f. Secretary to Government, GAD – Member
g. Director of Medical Education – Member
h. CEO, AHCT – Member
i. CEO, EHS – Member/ Secretary
j. Six representatives of employees
to be nominated by government – Members
k. Two representatives of pensloners
to be nominated by government – Members
ii. The Board of Trustees will make recommendatlons to Government
on policy matters,
A CEO shall be appointed for EHS from amon
Government employees. oot the state
iv. Employees / pensioners shall contribute to the Trust, a specified
amount each month, to be deducted by the DDO/PPO.
v. The Government shall also make an equal matching contributi ntribution t
the Trust each month. 3 s e
- Deta’iled guidelines for modalities of implementation of New
Employees’ Health Scheme will be issued separately. - Chief Executive Officer, Aarogyasri Health Care Trust, Hyderabad shall
take necessary action accordingly. - This orders. issued with the concurrence of Finance (EBS.V)
Department vide their U.0.No.722/124/A2/EBS.V-M&H/2023,