Drawl of salaries of MEO – II Necessary instructions : School Education Department – Drawl of salaries of MEO – II through the
AD(Servies-I) at all the District Educational Ofces in the State – Necessary
instructions are to be issued to the STOs – Requested – Reg.

Lr.Rc.No. ESE02-11024/13/2023-EST1-CSE-Part(2),Dt:09/10/2023
School Education Department – Drawl of salaries of MEO – II through the
AD(Servies-I) at all the District Educational Ofces in the State – Necessary
instructions are to be issued to the STOs – Requested – Reg.
Ref:- 1. G.O.Ms. No:154 School Education (Ser.I) Dept.,Dated:16.9. 2022.
- Govt. Memo. No. 1438516/Ser.I/A1/2021, Dt: 14-06-2023 from School
Education(Services-I) Department, Govt. of A.I.
3.This Ofce Iroc.Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST1-CSE, Dated:
16.06.2023. - Lr. Rc. No. 11024/13/2023-EST1-CSE, Dt: 16-09-2023, addressed to the
DTA, A.I from the Commissioner of School Education, A.I, Ibrahimpatnam.
I wish to inform that, in the reference 1st cited, the Government has
created (i) 13 MEO-I posts and (ii) 679 MEO-II posts by suppressing 1145 vacant
Craft/Art/Drawing teacher posts duly obtaining the fnance concurrence, for
efective monitoring of the academic and non-academic activities in the state
implemented by the Department of School Education.
Further, in the reference 2nd cited, the Government has issued instructions
to fll up the MEO-II posts with the Gr-II Headmasters working in the Zilla Iarishad
Management by transfer and accordingly, the posts are flled in the state and it is
decided to map the position IDs of the MEO-II posts to the Assistant Director
(Ser), O/o DEO concerned as DDO for drawing the salaries.
Accordingly, on the request of this ofce, vide reference 4th cited, the DTA
in co-ordination with the CFMS has created 679 position IDs to the newly created
MEO-II posts and are mapped to the Assistant Director (Ser), O/o DEO concerned
as DDO as per the statement Annexed.
In this regard, it is informed that as the posts are flle by transferring the
Gr-II Headmasters working in the Zilla Iarishad management, it would be
appropriate to draw the salaries and other fnancial benefts of the MEO-II posts
from the Head of Account from which the salaries of the Gr-II Headmasters of
Zilla Iarishad management are being drawn viz., 2202-02-191-00-05-010-
Accordingly, the following instructions have been issued to the DDOs
concerned with regard to the drawl of the Salaries and other benefts to the
personnel working in the MEO-II posts:
- The Assistant Director (Ser), O/o DEO concerned is being the DDO, he has
to draw and disburse the salaries and other fnancial benefts to the
personnel working in MEO-II posts on receipt of the ofciating statement /
sanction order from the Deputy Educational Ofcer concerned and as per
the rates of HRA of the Mandal concerned. - The Deputy Educational Ofcers in the state that, they are the immediate
next controlling ofcer to the post of MEO-II and the Deputy Educational
Ofcer concerned has to maintain the Casual leaves, Earned leaves,
Medical bills, increments, service registers and other service matters and
shall issue the ofciating statement/sanction order basing on which the
DDO concerned will draw and disburse the fnancial benefts. - The above said fnancial benefts may be drawn from the respective Head
of Accounts as was done during the individuals were working as Gr-II
Headmasters viz., 2202-02-191-00-05-010-011NVN.
In view of the above, I request the Director of Treasuries & Accounts to
issue necessary instructions to all the DTOs/STOs in the state to allow the bills
related to the MEO-II posts submitted by the DDOs concerned i.e., Assistant
Directors concerned and enable them to claim the salaries and other fnancial
benefts of the MEO-II posts.
Early action in the matter is highly solicited.
Rc.No. ESE02-12/39/2023-EST 2-CSE, Dated: 09/10/2023
Sub: School Education Department – Drawl of salaries of MEO – II through
the AD(Servies-I) at all the District Educational Offices in the State –
Certain instructions – Issued.
Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.1194, Dt: 16-12-1971, Job chart of Deputy Educational
- G.O.Ms. No:154 School Education (Ser.I) Dept.,Dated:16.9. 2022.
- Govt. Memo. No. 1438516/Ser.I/A1/2021, Dt: 14-06-2023 from School
Education(Services-I) Department, Govt. of A.P.
4.This Office Proc.Rc.No. ESE02-11022/18/2023-EST1-CSE, Dated:
16.06.2023. - Lr. Rc. No. 11024/13/2023-EST1-CSE, Dt: 16-09-2023, addressed to
the DTA, A.P from the Commissioner of School Education, A.P,
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District
Educational Officers, Assistant Directors, Deputy Educational officers, Mandal
Educational Officers-II in the state is invited to the references cited and they are
informed that, in the reference 2
nd cited, the Government has created (i) 13 MEO-I
posts and (ii) 679 MEO-II posts duly obtaining the finance concurrence, for effective
monitoring of the academic and non-academic activities in the state implemented by
the Department of School Education.
Further, in the reference 3
rd cited, the Government has issued instructions to fill
up the MEO-II posts and accordingly, the posts are filled in the state and it is decided
to map the position IDs of the MEO-II posts to the Assistant Director (Ser), O/o DEO
concerned as DDO for drawing the salaries.
Accordingly, on the request of this office, vide reference 5
th cited, the DTA in
co-ordination with the CFMS has created 679 position IDs to the newly created
MEO-II posts and are mapped to the Assistant Director (Ser), O/o DEO concerned
as DDO as per the statement Annexed to this orders.
Therefore, the above addressed officers are hereby instructed as follows: - The Assistant Director (Ser), O/o DEO concerned is being the DDO, he has to
draw and disburse the salaries and other financial benefits to the personnel
working in MEO-II posts on receipt of the officiating statement / sanction order
from the Deputy Educational Officer concerned and as per the rates of HRA of
the Mandal concerned.
- The Deputy Educational Officers in the state that, they are the immediate next
controlling officer to the post of MEO-II and the Deputy Educational Officer
concerned has to maintain the Casual leaves, Earned leaves, Medical bills,
increments, service registers and other service matters and shall issue the
officiating statement/sanction order basing on which the DDO concerned will
draw and disburse the financial benefits. - The above said financial benefits may be drawn from the respective Head
of Accounts as was done during the individuals were working as Gr-II
Headmasters viz., 2202-02-191-00-05-010-011NVN.
Therefore, all the addressed officers are requested to take further necessary
action accordingly and submit compliance to the undersigned.
All the District Treasury Officers in the State are requested to allow the bills in
r/o the MEO-II posts submitted by the DDOs concerned