Guidelines for conduct SEAS 2023 IN APR SCHOOLS: all the
Principals of APR Schools are hereby instructed to follow the guidelines issued with regard to State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) – 2023 and should be in
contact the BLCs and DLCs concerned for further action accordingly.
Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
Rc.No. ESE53-ACAD0MISC/56/2023-ACCD, Dated: 03/10/2023
Sub: APREIS – Academic (3) – State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS)
- 2023 Preparation plan – Certain instructions of the Commissioner of
School Education, A.P.,- Communicated – Orders – Issued.
Ref: Proceedings Rc.No. ESE02/963/2023-SCERT, dated: 27.09.2023 of the
Commissioner of School Education, AP.
While communicating the Proceedings vide reference cited above, all the
Principals of APR Schools are hereby instructed to follow the guidelines issued with regard to State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) – 2023 and should be in
contact the BLCs and DLCs concerned for further action accordingly.
Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
Encl: As above.