TS Police Constable Results 2023, TSLPRB PC Cut Off Marks, Merit List Released :In the ongoing process of Recruitment, Selections to the following SCT PC (Civil) and / or Equivalent Posts, SCT PC IT&CO, SCT PC Mechanic in PTO, Transport Constable (HO), Transport
Constable (LC) and Prohibition & Excise Constable have been completed based
on (a) the Academic
Qualifications / Reservation / Local Candidature / Age-Relaxation / Horizontal Reservation / Any Other
Claimed Benefit/s that have been primarily verified during the Certificate Verification conducted at 18
Verification Centres during 3rd-4th Weeks of June and (b) Performance of the respective Qualifying
Candidates in the Physical Efficiency Test, Trade Test and Final Written Examination. Details of
selected Candidates to the Posts, in brief are as follows –
Selection to 100 notified Vacancies of SCT PC (Driver) in PTO and 225 notified Vacancies of
Driver Operator in TS DR & Fire Services Department will be issued separately in due course after
resolution of the pending Court related issues. The Selected Candidates (except of the above 2 Posts)
are being informed now, the details of their Selection in their respective login areas on the TSLPRB
website: www.tslprb.in by tomorrow (5
th October 2023) morning. Simultaneously, Cut-Off Marks
(Last Selected Candidates Marks along with Dates of Birth) of all the Posts in all possible Categories of
Selection along with Lists of Selection are being provided in the website for reference of the Candidates.
Character & Antecedents Verification – Submission of Attestation Form
It is clarified that the Selection is subject to the result of the Character and Antecedents
Verification (wherein genuineness of all the submitted Certificates shall be verified), Medical
Examination of the Candidates and the outcome of any of the Court Cases pending on the relevant issues.
During the ensuing process, the Candidates have to satisfy all the designated requirements to become
eligible for Appointment to their respective Posts.
For this purpose, Selected Candidates are required to fill an Attestation Form in a web template
to be provided in their respective login areas in TSLPRB website from 7
th October to 10th October
2023. After filling the Attestation Form digitally, the Candidates have to take 3 Copies of neat and
legible printouts of the PDF generated – with the details filled-in by them on A4 sized Papers by
printing each page on a different A4-sized paper, complete all the formalities including affixing of
Signature by the Candidate at designated places, affixing of Candidate’s Passport Sized Photographs
at 2 indicated slots on each copy of the 3 Sets of Attestation Forms and Certification by a Gazetted
Officer. 3 Copies of the Attestation Form complete in all respects should be submitted along with all
supporting Documents by the Candidates invariably on 12th and 13
th October 2023 as indicated below
Seeking Clarifications on Selection by Candidates – Online Service Provided
Candidates who qualified in any of the Final Written Examinations of SCT PC Civil and / or
Equivalent, Transport Constable (HO) / Transport Constable (LC), Prohibition & Excise Constable, SCT
PC IT&CO or SCT PC Mechanic in PTO, irrespective of their Selection to any of the Posts or Otherwise
are being provided an opportunity online on the TSLPRB website to seek clarification/s, if any required,
only on matters pertinent to the Selection.
They can avail of this facility for 3 days from 8 a m 5th October 2023 to 5 p m 7th October
2023 by paying a Non-Refundable Service Fee (Rs. 1,000/- for SC and ST Candidates who are Local
Candidates of Telangana and Rs. 2,000/- for all Other Candidates) by using the template (shown above)
made available to them in the login area of the Candidates.
Replies to only those queries which are relating to the issue of Selections of SCT PC Civil and
/ or Equivalent, Transport Constable (HO) / Transport Constable (LC), Prohibition & Excise Constable,
SCT PC IT&CO or SCT PC Mechanic in PTO will be individually answered at the earliest (within a few
days) and the Candidates will receive the clarification / reply online. Candidates are hereby informed
that the Board will not entertain any personal representations, petitions or letters in this regard and Online
Clarification of Queries shall be the only mode of interaction.
Selection Cut-Offs
List of Candidates Selected