AP Government Junior Colleges Night Watchman honorarium:
Permission to
utilize accumulated Special Fee fund for payment of honorarium
maximum of Rs.6000/ – per month to the engaged Night Watchman
services on outsourcing basis

Rc.No.EHE05/17038/30/1799690/Acad-II/2024, Date: 21/08/2024
Sub : INTERMEDIATE EDUCATION – Government Junior Colleges – Permission to
utilize accumulated Special Fee fund for payment of honorarium
maximum of Rs.6000/ – per month to the engaged Night Watchman
services on outsourcing basis – Orders – Issued.
1. G.O.Ms.No.593/Education Department, Dated 21.03.1972.
2. CIE’s Procs.Rc.No.Acad.I-1l15150 /20tt, Dated 23.7 .2011
3. CIE’s Procs.Rc.No.Acad-I-1/9577/2015 Dated 12.08.2015
4. Go. Ms..No.55 School Education (IE.A1) Department dated
5. This office Procs.Rc.No.Acad-II /2089982/2023 dated 23.01.2024.
Government accorded permission to engage Night watchmen in 476
GJCs in the State vide GO.Ms.No.55 dated 16.06.2023 duly utilizing the BIE
funds. Subsequently the CIE has been issued orders to the Principals to engage
459 night watchmen with honorarium of Rs. 6000/- per month vide
Procs.Rc.No.Acad-II/2089982/2023 dated 23.01.2024.
In view of the above, Principals of Government Junior Colleges are
permitted to utilize the Accumulated Special Fee Funds for engaging a
Night Watchman on outsourcing basis as per need until further orders duly
following the rules in vogue. The remuneration shall be a maximum of
Rs.6000/ – per month for each Night Watchman.
The above permission is subject to the following Conditions:
Availability of required funds under Accumulated Special Fee Funds in
the College.
Such services can be hired only when the regular Night Watchman is not
available in the college.
The resolution of Special Fee Committee to utilize Special Fee/Caution
Money Deposits is necessary before engaging such services on
outsourcing basis.
The names of persons engaged on outsourcing basis should not be
brought on regular attendance registers/College rolls or even in any
official correspondence under any circumstances.
The receipt of these Proceedings should be acknowledged.