Reconstitution of School
Management Committees in all the remaining schools for which
SMC Election is not conducted
Rc.No. SSA-16021/54/2023-SEC-CMO-SS, Dated: 22/08/2024

Samagra Shiksha AP – CMO Section – Reconstitution of School
Management Committees in all the remaining schools for which
SMC Election is not conducted – Reg.
Ref:-1 Govt.memo.No.977203/Prog.II/A2/2019-8,Dated:30.07.2024
2 Rc.No.SSA-16021/54/2023-SEC-CMO SS, Dated:30.07.2024
3 Memo.No.977203/Prog.II/A2/2019-9, Dated:07.08.2024
4 Email revised schedule Dated: 09.08.2024
5 SS, Dated: 15.08.2024
The attention of the District Educational Ofcers & Additional Project
Coordinators in the state are invited to the subject and references read
above with regard to conducting SMC elections for reconstitution of School
Management committees and the elections were conducted on 08.08.2024
and 17.08.2024.
The District Educational Ofcers & Additional Project Coordinators
are informed that School Management committees could not be
reconstituted on 17.08.2024 due to various reasons.
Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers & Additional Project
Coordinators in the state are instructed to conduct the SMC elections in
the remaining schools and complete the reconstitution of School
Management committees in all the schools in their respective districts by
31.08.2024 which are not reconstituted by 17.08.2024 duly following the
guidelines which are communicated earlier and submit the compliance
report to this ofce.