Celebrations of Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu Birth Anniversary on 23rd August:AP Samagra Shiksha Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Andhra Kesari Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu
as State Function every year on 23rd August – Copy Communicated -Reg.

Memo. No. SS-11029/7/2021-ADMIN (A13), DT: 22.08.2024.
School Education AP Samagra Shiksha Celebration of Birth Anniversary of Andhra Kesari Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu
as State Function every year on 23rd August – Copy Communicated -Reg.
Circular Memo.No.1814333/PROTO.B/2022, General Administration
(PROTOCOL.B) Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Dt:
& & & &
All the Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha in the State
are hereby informed that the Government have ordered to celebrate the
Birth Anniversary of Andhra Kesari Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu as
State Function every year on 23rd August in a befitting manner.
Therefore, All the Additional Project Coordinators, Samagra Shiksha in
the State are hereby requested to celebrate the Birth Anniversary of Andhra
Kesari Late Sri Tanguturi Prakasam Panthulu on 23rd August 2024 as ordered
by the Government.