Vidya Kanuka-5 Stock Points  Instructions

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Vidya Kanuka-5 Stock Points  Instructions;

AP SSAmaravati -Vidya Kanuka-5-Visits to Mandallevel Vidya Kanuka
stock points -Certain reports called for -Reg.

Rc.N0.SS-16021/10/2024-CMO SEC-SSA Date:01.04.2024

Sub: AP SSAmaravati -Vidya Kanuka-5-Visits to Mandallevel Vidya Kanuka
stock points -Certain reports called for -Reg.

Read: This Office Pr.Rc.No.SS-16021/10/2024-CMO SEC-SSA,Dt2903.2024

All the District Educational Officers /Additional Project Coordinators of
Samagra Shiksha in the state are requested to visit the respective mandallevel
Vidya Kanuka stock points in your district by constituting teams with DyEOs and
It is requested to verify the feasibillty of stock points in all aspects for safe’
storage of all Vidya Kanuka itemsfor preparation of students kits and for
distribution of students kits.The stock point should be protective in all weather
conditions and protective from white ants and Rats.
The DEOs/APCs are requested to submit reports if they propose any changes
in the stock points by 08.04.2024.
Further a copy of the checklist and inspection format is communicated
It should be treated as Most Urgent.

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