BIE AP Due dates for Payment of Examination fee for IPASE May 2024:Sub: BIE AP – First & Second year General & Vocational candidates – Due dates for Payment of Examination fee for IPASE
May 2024– Communicated-Reg.Rc.No.43/C25/ IPASE 2024
It is informed that the Memorandum of Marks of First and Second year
students of both General and Vocational courses are kept for downloading in website. The ENRs of IPASE 2024 will also be displayed in the
college login. The candidates/Principals of the college have to download the documents
from the website. If there is any discrepancy in the Memos, it should be brought to the
notice of Board of Intermediate Education, AP., Tadepalli immediately through concerned
Principals before 01-05-2024. Applications received after this date will not be entertained.
The following are the rates and due dates for payment of examination fee for
Intermediate Public Advanced Supplementary Examinations (IPASE), 2024 which are
scheduled to be conducted from 24-05-2024 to 01-06-2024.

Improvement for Passed Candidates:
The candidates who passed in all first year papers can appear for Improvement on
payment of Rs.160/- per paper in addition to the prescribed examination fee of Rs.550/-.
The candidates will appear with the same Regd. No. of I.P.E. March 2024.
Failed candidates appearing for passed papers:
The first year failed candidates can appear for passed papers of first year along
with failed (papers) subject to the condition that they shall forego the previous performance
of the passed papers. In such cases the latest performance stands valid. All such
candidates have to pay Rs.160/- for each passed paper appearing, in addition to the
examination fee as shown in the ENRs. Necessary entries/corrections have to be made in
the ENR and if required in the MNRs.

IMPORTANT: The candidate who’s Bio-data is not reflected in the E.N.Rs. They have to
submit in open form which will be issued by RIO/DVEO/DIEO.
Improvement Provision for Second Year Passed Candidates:
The candidates who passed two year Intermediate course can improve their
performance within two years. They can avail only two chances during this period. The
passed candidates of IPASE August 2022 can appear for Improvement in IPASE 2024 as a
last chance if they did not avail two chances in the previous I.P.Es. The candidates who wish
to improve their performance have to appear for all the Second year papers including
Practicals (OR) to appear for all papers of first and second year including Practicals.
The successful candidates have an option to retain the present performance or past
performance whichever is beneficial to the candidates. There is no provision of Best marks
in individual papers, like in first year.
Remittance of Examination Fee through Online:
The Board of Intermediate Education A.P., has decided to collect the Examination &
other fee through on-line transfer from the existing college Accounts to B.I.E Account of the
concerned banks through e-challan generated in for First
Year & Second Year and ex-failed students (Gen &Voc), including attendance exempted
candidates for IPASE 2024. The Principals have to confirm examination fee as per
following NR wise.
- First year Improvement (General)
- First year Improvement (Vocational)
- First year Bridge course
- Second year Private(General)
- Second year Private(Vocational)
- Second year Bridge course
At the first instance, the Principal has to confirm the fee paid by candidates NR wise
as shown above. Then select the Bank to be remitted i.e., IDBI Bank /State Bank of India.
Generate the e-challan which shows the amount and bank to be remitted. The Principal can
generate any number of challans. Once the candidates name is shown as paid it will not be
shown again. The Principal has to pay the fee for the left over candidates only. The bank will
not accept challan for payment after the due date.
Separate e-challan is to be used for each category i.e General/vocational, ENR
candidates and additions.
There is a provision for Recounting, supply of Scanned copy-cum-Re-Verification of
valued answer scripts. The candidates who wish to avail these facilities have to pay
online, an amount of Rs.260/- (Rupees Two hundred and Sixty only) per paper for
Recounting and Rs.1300/- (Rupees One thousand and Three Hundred only) per paper
There is a provision for Recounting, supply of Scanned copy-cum-Re-Verification of
valued answer scripts. The candidates who wish to avail these facilities have to pay
online, an amount of Rs.260/- (Rupees Two hundred and Sixty only) per paper for
Recounting and Rs.1300/- (Rupees One thousand and Three Hundred only) per paper
for Scanned copy-cum-Re-verification of answer book, through
only. They can select Re-Verification of Valued Answer Scripts & Supply of Scanned Copy”
in Students Services. Candidates have to pay required fee and must furnish the Hall-Ticket
Number, Date of Birth, SSC Hall-Ticket Number, Mobile Number, e-mail ID and the
subjects they intend to apply for Recounting or Scanned copy-cum-Re-Verification. The
details of the candidates will appear on the screen. Candidates have to furnish their complete
address, e-mail ID and mobile number. After declaration of RV Results, the candidates can
download and print the copy of answer scripts.
The Candidates shall not send the applications for Recounting/Re-verification either
to the RIO Office or O/o. BIE, Head Office directly or by post. Under no circumstances the
application will be accepted manually after due date. The facility for online payment of
fee towards Recounting/Scanned Copy-cum-Re-Verification is open from 18 -04-2024 to 24-
04-2024. This online service will be stopped after 24-04-2024 and no further extension
of service will be available. Under any circumstances the fee paid towards
Recounting/Scanned copy-cum-Re-Verification will not be refunded.
All the Principals are informed that the Intermediate Public Advanced Supplementary
Examinations, IPASE 2024 (Theory) will be held from 24-05-2024 to 01 – 06-2024. A copy
of the detailed Time-Table is also available in the BIE web-site
The First Year examination will be held from 9.00AM to 12.00PM in
Forenoon session and Second Year Examination from 2.30PM to 5.30PM in
Afternoon session every day. Therefore, you are requested to give special
emphasis on the dates & timings of the examinations.
Practical Examinations will be held from 01-05-2024(Wednesday) to 04-05-
2024(Saturday) in two sessions from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM & 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM for
General and Vocational courses.
Ethics and Human Values Examination will be conducted on 06-06-2024
(Thursday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM.
The Environmental Education Examination will be conducted on 07-06-2024
(Friday) from 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Wide publicity among the students, parents and staff should be given regarding the
dates of examinations and also due dates for payment of Examination fee for IPASE 2024 in
their Junior Colleges without fail.
Please acknowledge this letter along with the above documents.