CBSE Subject-Wise Marks Distribution Of Practical Exams For Class 10 and 12:
No. CBSE/Coord/ Marks distribution /E-58224/ 2023 30.10.2023

The Practical Examinations and the Board’s Annual Theory Examinations are
scheduled to start w.e.f. 01/01/2024 and 15/02/2024 respectively for both Classes X
and XII.
It has been observed that schools are committing mistakes while uploading the marks in respect of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment. To aid and assist the schools in
smooth conduct of Practical/Project/Internal Assessment and conduct of Theory
Examinations, a list of subjects for Classes X and XII containing the following details is
attached with this circular for information:

Maximum marks allotted to each subject is 100 (One Hundred) with marks
distribution among theory, practical, project and IA components as per the
details given in the list.
All may note for information and action to avoid any problems to the students at later
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