SSC Delhi Police and CAPFs SI EXAMINATION 2023 RESULTS and cut-off RELEASED

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SSC Delhi Police and CAPFs SI EXAMINATION 2023 RESULTS and cut-off RELEASED: Recruitment of Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination, 2023 –
Declaration of result of Paper-I for qualifying candidates to appear in Physical
Endurance Test (PET)/ Physical Standard Test (PST) – reg.

The Staff Selection Commission conducted Computer Based Examination for
recruitment of Sub-Inspectors in Delhi Police and CAPFs Examination, 2023 (Paper-I)
from 03.10.2023 to 06.10.2023.

  1. Marks scored by the candidates have been normalized as per the provisions of the
    Notice of Examination (Para-12.3). Such normalized marks have been used for processing
    the result. Bonus marks have been provisionally awarded to those candidates who
    have claimed to hold National Cadet Corps (NCC) Certificate in their Application Form.
    Such Candidates will have to substantiate their claim at the time of Document Verification
  2. As per the provisions under Para-16.2 of the Notice of Examination, minimum
    qualifying marks in Paper-I (without adding bonus marks to NCC certificate holders) have
    been fixed as follows: UR: 30% (i.e. 60 marks), OBC/ EWS: 25% (i.e. 50 marks) and
    all other categories: 20%(i.e. 40 marks).
  3. Based on the cut-off fixed by the Commission in Paper-I, number of candidates
    qualifyingfor appearing in PET/ PST are as follows:

*1-ST, 40-OBC and 10-EWS candidates qualifying at UR cutoff have been shown under
their respective categories.

  1. The result of two candidates bearing Roll No. 2201101794 and 2215002162 has
    been kept withheld.
  2. Shortlisted candidates will be called for PET/ PST which will be conducted by the
    CAPFs. The schedule of PET/ PST will be communicated by the Regional Offices of the
    Commission in due course. Candidates are advised to follow the websites of the Regional
    Offices of the Commission regarding issue of Admission Certificates for the PET/ PST.
  3. Representations received from the candidates with regard to the answer keys have
    been carefully examined and the answer keys have been modified wherever necessary.
    The final answer keys have been used for evaluation. Marks of the qualified/ non-qualified
    candidates and Final Answer Keys will be uploaded on the website of the Commission

దిల్లీ పోలీసు, సెంట్రల్ ఆర్మ్‌డ్‌ పోలీస్ ఫోర్సెస్ (సీఏపీఎఫ్‌)లో సబ్-ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్ నియామక పరీక్ష-2023కు సంబంధించి పేపర్‌-1 (కంప్యూటర్ ఆధారిత) ఫలితాలను స్టాఫ్ సెలక్షన్ కమిషన్ విడుదల చేసింది. పేపర్‌-1లో ఉత్తీర్ణులైన అభ్యర్థులకు త్వరలో పీఈటీ/ పీఎస్‌టీ నిర్వహించనున్నారు. ఈ పరీక్ష ద్వారా దిల్లీ పోలీసు విభాగంతో పాటు కేంద్ర సాయుధ బలగాలైన(సీఏపీఎఫ్‌) బీఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌, సీఐఎస్‌ఎఫ్‌, సీఆర్‌పీఎఫ్‌, ఐటీబీపీ, ఎస్‌ఎస్‌బీలో 1,876 సబ్-ఇన్‌స్పెక్టర్ ఉద్యోగాలను భర్తీ చేయనుంది. సీబీటీ రాత పరీక్ష, శారీరక దారుఢ్య పరీక్ష (పీఈటీ)/ ఫిజికల్ స్టాండర్డ్ టెస్ట్ (పీఎస్‌టీ), డాక్యుమెంట్ వెరిఫికేషన్, మెడికల్ ఎగ్జామినేషన్ ఆధారంగా అభ్యర్థులను ఎంపిక చేస్తారు. ఎంపికైతే నెలకు రూ.35,400-రూ.1,12,400 జీతం అందుతుంది.




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