Online applications are invited for the Departmental Tests November – 2023 Session (Notification No:10/2023)
from 27/10/2023 to 16/11/2023 and the last date for payment of fee is 16/11/2023 (11:59PM).

a) Applications are invited ON-LINE from 27.10.2023 to 16.11.2023 for the Departmental
Tests NOVEMBER, 2023 Session. The date of examinations will be announced later.
b) Applicants primarily shall register the One Time Profile Registration (OTPR) through the
Commission’s Website viz., Once applicant registers his/her particulars,
a User ID is generated and sent to his/her registered mobile number and email ID. Applicants
need to apply for the Tests using the OTPR User ID through Commissions website.
c) The applicants, who had already generated OTPR earlier for last Departmental Tests,
shall apply directly making use of the same number and update their working district as per
new 26 districts before submit their application.
d) The application will be available on Commission’s website ( from
27.10.2023. The last date for submission of online application is 16.11.2023 (16.11.2023 is
the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59PM)
e) Hand written/ Typed/ Photostat copies/ outside printed Application Form will not be
accepted and liable for rejection.
f) The terms and conditions are detailed hereunder following Departmental Tests Rules,
1965 and subsequent amendments to these Rules from time to time.
(a) All the Tests, except Language and Survey Tests will be in Objective Type in terms of
G.O.Ms.No.602, G.A. (Ser-C) Department, dated.01.11.2011.
(b) The Language Test papers (P.C.Nos.5, 6, 7, 19, 28, 36,49, 67,37, 58, 74) and Survey &
Settlement papers (P.C.Nos.69, 87, 109, 111, 116, 118, 120, 122, 133, 135, 161 and 162,) will be
of conventional mode.
(c) All the objective type papers will be held on Computer Based Departmental Tests.
Instructions regarding this Computer Based Test are detailed in the Instructions Manual at
Annexure -I.
(d) The candidates appearing for Objective Type papers may use Mock Test facility available on
Commission’s Website, to acquaint with the Computer Based Tests.
(e) The candidates appearing for Conventional Papers (Descriptive Exams) will be supplied with
Bar code sheet attached Answer Books to be answered with Blue or Black Pen.
(f) Schedule of Test timings as per G.O.Ms.No.55 General Administration (Ser-C) Dept.,
dt.02/05/2017 is as under.

The detailed schedule of time table is available at Annexure-II on Commission’s website.
A candidate desirous to appear for more than one Test may apply for the Tests to the
extent the Time-table at Annexure-II permits.
The list of books allowed for each Test along with syllabus is available on the
Commission’s Website.
The qualifying marks for each Test/Paper are shown at Annexure-III.
(i) All the Departmental Tests will be conducted at all the 26 Districts of A.P and New Delhi.
(ii) The candidates will be allotted to the exam in the District, where the candidate is
presently working as mentioned in the application. If sufficient accommodation is not available
in their working district, some of the candidates will be allotted to their nearest district.

(i) The employees of Government of Andhra Pradesh are eligible to apply for the Tests
that are prescribed in their respective Departmental Service Rules.
(ii) The Secretariat employees are allowed to appear for the following Tests, wherever
the rules permit in order to get eligibility for appointment by transfer/ promotion to other
a) Commercial Taxes Department: Paper Code No: 6 &7.
b) Treasuries and Accounts Department: Paper Code Nos : 31, 46, 64, 79, 89, 100, 114
(iii) Typists-cum-Assts. working in Finance and Planning (Finance Wing) are eligible to
appear for the Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination.
iv) The candidates intending to apply for the following Tests should refer to the
respective Service Rules for the eligibility.
a) Sericulture Department: Paper Code Nos: 32,
47, 65, 80, 90, 101,
115, 130 &143.
b) Mines &Geology Department: Paper Code No: 150 only.
c) Divisional Test: Paper Code Nos: 30, 63,
81,113 &138.
d) Works Accounts Service: Paper Code Nos: 44, 78,
99 and 128.
e) Workshop Officers: Paper C ode Nos:14 &29.
f) A.P. Public Service Commission: Paper Code No:149.
g) Social Welfare Department Paper Code 170
h) Health & Family Welfare Department Paper Code 171
v) The Paper Code bearing numbers 05, 08, 10, 18, 19, 27, 28, 36, 43, 45, 49, 62,67,
77, 98, 108, 127, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144 to 148 and 155 are open to all, whether
the applicant is in Government Service or not.
a) DIVISIONAL TEST (PC.Nos.30, 63, 81,113 &138): – Senior Assistants working in the Offices of
Director of Accounts in Projects and Accounts Branches of the Divisions of the Public Works
Department, Roads & Buildings, Irrigation, Public Health Engineering Department, Panchayat Raj
Engineering Department and Ports Department, who have been working as such for a period of three
years or more are allowed to appear for this examination. Superintendents working in the above
Departments are also allowed to appear for the examination.
b) The Service Certificate given below shall be filled and get the signature with Seal of the
Controlling Officer of parent department. The Service Certificate duly signed by the Controlling Officer
should be scanned and uploaded. Otherwise their applications will be summarily rejected. Local Body
Employees may also apply for this Test. But their admission is provisional, subject to their eligibility as
per G.O.Ms.No.86, Finance & Planning (FW.WA-1) Department, dt. 22/05/1998. Commerce graduates
who claim exemption from passing Paper-I of Part-I of Divisional Test should furnish information in the
Application Form and Commerce degree certificate should be scanned and uploaded. Failing which,
their Applications are not considered for exemption of Paper-I of Part-I of the Divisional Test.
c) The applicants for the Departmental Tests for Mines & Geology (Paper Code 150), shall also
upload the scanned service certificate format given below, duly signed by the controlling officer.

d) Applicants for Fisheries Department Test-II should furnish the information regarding
satisfactory completion of training from the State Fisheries Training Institute, Kakinada in the Application Form.
e) Applicants for Criminal Judicial Test with Law Qualification should furnish the information in
the Application Form and Law degree certificate should be scanned and uploaded to seek
exemption from passing Paper-I & II of the above Test, failing which their Applications will not be
considered for exemption from passing Papers I & II of the Test.
f) Applicants for Deputy Inspectors Test have to appear for all the three papers in their first
attempt. In subsequent attempts, however, they can appear for each paper separately. For Papers
on “Educational Statistics” Public Instructions Report for the year 1980-81 is prescribed. The
candidates who have applied previously should furnish the information in the Application Form.
g) Applicants for Translation Test (Paper Code No. 19 and 28) should invariably mention the
language for Paper Code No.28.
h) Second Class Language Test (Paper Code No.05) will be held in various Languages, i.e.,
Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya, Tamil &Urdu.
i) In case of Gujarati (P.C.No.6) and Marwari (P.C.No.7) Language Tests, the Application
(Candidates shall download the filled in application form and upload in the Commission Website
duly attested by HOD) should be forwarded by the Head of the Department as an evidence to
claim his/her eligibility as per relevant Rules. (Commercial Tax Department Only)
j) Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department of Higher Standard
P.C.No.37 will be conducted in Telugu/Urdu/Hindi/Tamil/Kannada/ Oriya/Marathi. P.C.No.36
Lower Standard will be conducted translation from English into a Language chosen. The
Candidate should also opt the language in which he/she desires to appear in addition to English
for the Translation Test in the Application Form. Otherwise the Application will be rejected.
k) Special Language Test for Officers of Education Department (Advanced Standard)
(P.C.NOs.58 & 74) will be conducted in Telugu and Urdu only.
l) Candidates should pass all the parts of Second Class (P.C.Nos.5, 6 &7) / Third Class
Language Tests (P.C.No.155) at a time as per the revised scheme of examination in terms of
G.O.Ms.No.190, GA (Ser.- C) Department, dt:18/04/2002. However, candidates appearing for
Paper Codes 5, 6 and 7 will be admitted to the Parts B, C & D (Viva-Voce) only, if they pass the
Part-A Written Examination. For Third Class Language Test, only VIVA-VOCE in A, B, C parts will
be conducted without any written test. They will be informed of the date and place of the Oral Test
separately at appropriate time.
m) Staff of the Survey and Land Records Department shall answer Surveyor’s Test Higher
Grade/ Lower Grade, in one language only i.e., either in English or Telugu or Urdu.
n) Applicants for Sericulture Department Test, Part-III (Paper Code No. 154 – Practical Test)
must pass Part-I of the Test consisting 4 papers and that they are required to furnish the
information in the Application Form.
o) The Question Papers for Departmental Tests will be in English only. However for
(i)”Surveyor’s Test” (Higher Grade/Lower Grade) (ii) “Translation Tests”, the question papers will
be in the chosen language, besides English.
p) The question paper for employees of Multi Purpose Health Assistant (Female) Grade-III / ANM
Grade-III working Village/Ward Secretariat (Paper Code No.171) conducted in Telugu language
i) The fee for each Paper is Rs. 500/- (Rupees five hundred only) as per
G.O.Ms.No.121,G.A(Ser-C) Department, Dt.17.09.2020.
ii) The applicant shall pay Rs. 500/-(Rupees Five Hundred Only) towards application
processing fee, besides the examination fee as per G.O.Ms.No.233 GA(Ser-C) Dept.,
Dt.05.08.2016 . However, no fee is prescribed for the Tests in Gujarathi and Marwari Languages.
a. The Fee mentioned in the above paragraph is to be paid online using
Payment Gateway using Net Banking/ Credit card / Debit Card. The list of Banks
providing service for the purpose of online remittance of Fee will be available on the
Commission’s Website.
b. The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any
circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee and application fee (in non-
exempt case) will entail total rejection of application.
c. IPOs / Demand Drafts are not accepted.
d. In case of corrections Rs.100/- per correction will be charged. However
changes are not allowed for Name, Personal details and Fee etc.,
The Applicants shall read the Instructions before submission of Applications online.
STEP-I: Candidates applying for the first time for any notification has to first fill the OTPR
application carefully to obtain OTPR ID. While filling the OTPR, the candidates have to ensure
that there are no mistakes done. The Commission bears no responsibility for the mistakes, if
any, made by the candidates. (If candidates already have OTPR ID number then he/she can
proceed to STEP-II.)
STEP-II: The Applicant has to Login in the Commission’s website with the User Name
(OTPR ID) and the Password set by Candidate. After Login, the Applicant has to click on the
“Online Application Submission” present in the bottom right corner of the Commission’s website.
STEP-III: After checking all the data and ensuring that the data is correct the applicant has
to fill application specific data. Once all the data is filled appropriately, the applicant has to
submit the payment form.
STEP-IV: PAYMENT PROCESS: The Applicant now has to click on the payment link
against the Notification No.10/2023.The Basic details required for calculation of the Fee will be
pre populated from the OTPR data. The Applicant has to verify all the details that were
displayed. Once the Payment form is submitted, the respective details (Used for Calculation of
fee) will not be altered in any stage of application processing. Hence if any details are to be
changed, applicant should use the Modify OTPR link, modify the details, save it and again click
on application payment link.
STEP-V: Once the payment is successful, payment reference ID is generated. Candidates
can note the payment reference ID for future correspondence. Thereafter the applicant is
directed to the application form. Applicant should provide the payment reference ID generated
along with the other details required for filling the application form (other fields like OTPR ID and
personal details will be pre populated from the data submitted in the payment form for
respective notification). The Applicant should check the data displayed thoroughly and should fill
the application specific fields like examination center etc., carefully and submit the Application
form. Once the Application is submitted successfully then Application Receipt is generated. The
Applicant is requested to print and save the application receipt for future
STEP-VI: In any case if the payment process is not submitted successfully, then the
applicant should start the fresh payment process as mentioned in STEP-II.
a. The Commission is not responsible, for any omissions by the applicant in bio-data particulars
while submitting the application form On-Line. The applicants are therefore, advised to strictly
follow the instructions given in the User guide before submitting the application.
b. All the candidates are requested to submit their application with correct data. It is noticed that
some of the candidates are requesting for change in the data, after submission of the application. It is
informed that such requests shall be allowed on payment of Rs.100/- (Rupees Hundred Only) for
each correction. However changes are not allowed for Name, personal details and Fee. Manual
application for corrections shall not be entertained. No changes will be allowed after 02 days of last date
of applications.
c. The particulars furnished by the applicant in the Application Form will be taken as final and data
is processed based on these particulars only. Applicants should, therefore, be very careful in Uploading /
Submitting the Application Form Online.
d. Before Uploading/Submission Application Form, the Candidates should carefully ensure his/her
f. Applicant shall note that, the details available with OTPR database at the time of submitting the
application will be considered for the purpose of this notification. If, any changes are made by the
applicant to OTPR database at a later date will not be considered for the purpose of this Notification.
g. For any Technical problems related to Online submission and downloading of Hall- Tickets
please contact 08662527820 & 08662527821(Call Time: 10.00 A.M to 01.00 P.M &01.30 P.M to 5.30
P.M) at working days or mail to
- Applicant must compulsorily fill-up all relevant columns of application and submit application
through website only. The particulars made available in the website shall be processed through
computer and the eligibility decided in terms of notification. - The applications received online in the prescribed proforma available in the website and within
the time shall only be considered and the Commission will not be held responsible for any kind of
discrepancy. - Applicants must upload his/her scanned photo and signature in JPEG format and size shall be
for Photo of 3.5Cms X 4.5Cms (<50 KB) and for Signature of 3.5Cms X1.5Cms (<30 KB)only. - The applicants should not furnish any particulars that are false, tampered, fabricated or
suppress any material information while making an application through website.
IMPORTANT– The claim of the applicants with regard to the eligibility for the Test, the Tests
applied are accepted provisionally on the information furnished by them in their application form and is
subject to verification and satisfaction of the Commission as per the eligibility conditions. Mere
admission to any test or Viva-Voce will not confer on the candidate any right for final result. The
candidature is therefore, provisional at all stages and the Commission reserve the right to reject
candidature at any stage. - The candidates are instructed to preserve the Hall Tickets for future correspondence if any.
(Duplicate Hall Ticket will not be issued). - Candidates should submit his/her particulars respond with regard to any bio data changes
within 15 days from the last day of examinations. Later on any corrections in bio data will not be
entertained. - REJECTIONS:
Application will be rejected for the following reasons:-
a) Failure to upload the Photo/Signature.
a) Failure to pay fee towards the Test and application.
b) If the scanned Service Certificate is not uploaded duly filled in and signed by
the applicant and the Controlling Officer with seal.
c) If the filled in Application Form is not in terms of this notification.
d) If the applicant is not eligible to appear for the Test in terms of Para (5) of the
e) If the candidate applies during debarment period.
9 OBJECTIONS DISSOLVED: Commission resolved to dispense with the system of calling for
objections for Departmental Tests as negative marks system has been cancelled, vide
G.O.Ms.No.101 GAD(Ser-C) Dt.25.09.2020 and also with a view to avoid the inordinate delay that
is being caused the publication of results.
10 Rejection of Answer scripts (Conventional type) : The candidates should go through the instructions
given on the cover page of test booklet and carefully write/verify/encode his/her Register Number,
Subject / Subject Code, Name of the Examination Centre, Signature of the Candidate and Invigilator,
etc., on the BAR CODE Sheet attached to Answer Book, which will be provided to him/her in the
examination hall failing which the Answer sheet will be rejected and will not be valued. And also Use of
whitener on BAR CODE Sheet will lead to disqualification.
i) The results of the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests will be
displayed on the Notice Board of the Commission’s Office and also hosted on the Commission’s
Official Website “”,which would be considered as authentic publication for
extending all benefits to the candidates who are provisionally declared to have passed the Tests, vide
G.O.Ms.No.591, General Administration (Services-A) Department, dt:20-10-2011.
ii) No individual Pass Certificate will be issued to the candidates by the Commission.
12 MEMORANDUM OF MARKS: As per the G.O.Ms.No.91, GA (SER-C) Department, Dt.18.08.2023 the
candidates will apply for the Memorandum of Marks and Recounting of Marks as follows:
i) Marks will, however, be supplied to candidates, who are not successful in the
Examination, on payment of Rs. 200/- through I.P.O./Bank Draft payable to the Addl.
Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission, Vijayawada. Such requisitions along with a photo
copy of Hall Ticket should be made within ONE MONTH from the date of display of results on
the Commission’s Office Notice Board and Commission’s website as well. Requisitions without
a photo copy of Hall Ticket are not entertained.
ii) RECOUNTING OF MARKS: – The recounting of marks will be considered for Conventional Type
(written) Tests only within 15 days from the date of publication of results on Payment of Rs.300/- for each
paper through IPO / Bank Draft payable to the Addl. Secretary, A.P. Public Service Commission,
Vijayawada along with a photo copy of Hall Ticket.
iii) Revaluation of Answer sheets will not be entertained under any circumstances.
a) Candidate is liable to be debarred from appearing of any examination permanently or
for such term of years as the Commission may think fit, for the following reasons.
i) If incorrect information is furnished in Application or elsewhere, or makes a false
declaration regarding eligibility, Service etc.
ii) If he/she is found guilty of malpractice of any kind in the Examination hall.
iii) If he /she behaves improperly towards the Chief Superintendent / Invigilators/
Deputed Officials of APPSC in the Examination Hall.
iv) If he/she applies to a Test before the expiry of the period of debarment.
v) The Commission has the right to cancel the result of the candidates whose
applications were rejected or who are involved in malpractice or found to be under
debarment period or if the information furnished in the Application is found
incorrect at anytime.
b) If the candidate was debarred earlier by the Commission, the relevant details should be
furnished in the Application Form. Otherwise the application will be rejected and suitable
action will be taken as deemed fit.
c) If a debarred candidate is already in the service of the Government, he/she will be
liable for disciplinary action under appropriate rules by the competent authority and an
entry will be made in the S.R., to that effect by the Controlling Officer.
d) The candidate will be liable for punishment as per regulation PME notified vide
G.O.Ms.No.385, G.A. (Ser-A) Dept., dt.18.10.2016, for indulging in Malpractices
/Misbehavior during the Examinations.
e) In addition to the penal provisions of Act No. 25/97 published in A.P. Gazette No. 35
Part-IV-B Extraordinary, dated: 21/08/1997 shall be invoked, if malpractice and
unfair means are noticed at any stage of examination.
f) The candidates, who have already passed the Tests shall not re–appear for the same.
Violation is liable for disciplinary action, besides debarment.
14 Communications running in the name of Pleader or Agent, will receive no attention.
15 COMMISSION’S DECISION TO BE FINAL: The decision of the Commission pertaining to
the application and its acceptance or rejection as the case may be, conduct of examination
and at all consequent stages shall be final in all respects and binding on all concerned, under
the powers vested with it under Article 315 and 320 of the Constitution of India. Commission
also reserves its right to alter and modify regarding terms and conditions laid down in the
notification for conducting the various stages up to publication of results in A.P. Gazette, duly
intimating details thereof to all concerned, as warranted by any unforeseen circumstances
arising during the course of this process.
Note: This is purely Departmental Tests Notification only and not for recruitment purpose.
1) Candidates shall report at the venue one hour (60 minutes) before the
Commencement of Examination as the candidates have to undergo certain
procedural formalities required for online examination, like biometric
registration process.
2) CBT Exam Center gates will be closed before 30 Minutes of the scheduled
session time and no candidate will be allowed once the registration process
3) The examination link with the login screen will already be available on your
system. Please inform the invigilator if this is not the case.
4) 10minutes prior to the exam, you’ll be permitted to login. Please type the
Login ID(Roll No) and the Password (Password for Candidate will be given
on exam day) to proceed further.
5) Invigilator will announce the password at 09.50 AM and 02.50 PM for Fore
Noon and After Noon Sessions respectively.
6) Copying or noting down questions and/or options is not allowed. Severe
action will be taken if any candidate is found noting down the questions
and/or options.
7) After logging in, your screen will display:
Profile Information – Check the details & click on “I
Confirm” or “I Deny”. Detailed exam instructions – Please
read and understand thoroughly.
Please click on the “I am ready to Begin” button, after reading the instructions.
8) You have to use the mouse to answer the multiple choice type questions
with FOUR alternative answers.
9) To answer any numerical answer type question, you need to use the virtual
numeric key pad and the mouse.
10) On the online exam question screen, the timer will display the balance time
remaining for the completion of exam.
11) The question numbers are colour coordinated and of different shapes
based on the process of recording your response: White (Square) – For un-attempted questions. Red (Inverted Pentagon) – For unanswered questions. Green (Pentagon) – For attempted questions. Violet (Circle) – Question marked by candidate for review, to be answered later. Violet (Circle with a Tick mark)-Question answered and marked by
candidate for review.
12) After answering a question, click the SAVE & NEXT button to save your
response and move onto the next question.
13) Click on Mark for Review & NEXT to mark your question for review, and
then go to the next question.
14) To clear any answer chosen for a particular question, please click on the
15) A summary of each section, (i.e. questions answered, not answered,
marked for review) is available for each section. You have to place the
cursor over the section name for this summary.
16) In case you wish to view a larger font size, please inform the Invigilator. On
the Invigilator’s confirmation, click on the font size you wish to select. The
font size will be visible on the top.
17) You may view INSTRUCTIONS at any point of time during exam, by
clicking on the INSTRUCTIONS button on your screen.
18) The SUBMIT button will be activated after 120 Minutes. For PH Candidates
the Session will continue for an additional 20 Minutes PER HOUR, who is
provided with a scribe. Please keep checking the timer on your screen.
19) In case of automatic or manual log out, all your attempted responses will be
saved. Also, the exam will start from the time where it had stopped.
20) You will be provided a blank sheet for rough work. Do write your Login ID
and Password on it. Please ensure that you return it to the invigilator at the
end of the exam after tearing ONLY the password from it.
21) Please don’t touch the key board as your exam ID will get locked. If your ID
gets locked, please inform a nearby invigilator who will help in unlocking
your ID and then you can continue with the examination.
22) Please inform the invigilator in case of any technical issues.
23) Please do not talk to or disturb other candidates.
24) In case you are carrying articles other than the admit card, photo identity
proof, pen and authorized material (Only for With Books Exams), please
leave them outside the exam room. You cannot leave exam room before
submitting the session on the computer screen. Please inform the invigilator
if you want to use the washroom.
1) The candidates have to report 60 minutes before to the examination venue to
record their Biometric impression on Biometric system.
2) The candidates should go through the instructions given on the cover page of
test booklet and carefully write/verify his/her Register Number, Subject /
Subject Code, Name of the Examination Centre, Signature of the Candidate
and Invigilator, etc., on the BAR CODE Sheet attached to Answer Book,
which will be provided to him/her in the examination hall failing which the
Answer sheet will be rejected and will not be valued. Use of whitener on
BAR CODE Sheet will lead to disqualification. The candidates have to
3) The BAR CODE Sheet is to bubble only by Ball Point Pen (Blue/Black). Bubbling
byPencil/Ink Pen / Gel Pen is not permitted in this examination.
4) The candidates should satisfy the Invigilator of his identity with reference to
the signature and photographs available on the Nominal Rolls and Hall Ticket.
5) No candidate should leave the examination hall till expiry of fulltime.
i) The candidates must note that his/her admission to the examination is strictly
provisional. The mere fact that an Admission to the examination does not
imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or
that the entries made by the candidate in his/her application have been
accepted by the Commission as true and correct. The candidates have to be
found suitable after verification of eligibility criteria. The Applicants have to
upload his/her scanned recent colour passport photo and signature to the
Application Form in the Commission Website.
ii) The candidates are not allowed to bring any Electronic devices such
as mobile / cell phones, Calculators, tablets, i-Pad, Bluetooth, pagers,
electronic watches to examination centre. Loaning and interchanging of
articles among the candidates is not permitted in the examination hall and
any form of malpractice will not be permitted in the exam hall.
iii) Scientific calculators will be allowed for P.C.Nos.161 & 162 only.
iv) The candidates are expected to behave in orderly and disciplined manner
while writing the examination. If any candidate takes away Answer Sheet of
Bar Code based examination, the candidature will be rejected and in case of
impersonation/ disorder/ rowdy behavior during Examination, necessary
F.I.R. for this incident will be lodged with concerned Police Station, apart
from disqualifying his / her candidature.
v) Candidates trying to use unfair means shall be disqualified. No
correspondence whatsoever in this regard will be entertained from the
vi) The Penal Provisions of Act 25/97 published in the A.P. Gazette No. 35,
Part-IV.B Extraordinary dated: 21/08/1997 shall be invoked if malpractice
and unfair means are noticed at any stage of the Examination.
vii) In case the persons with benchmark disabilities (not less than 40 percent) in
the category of blindness, loco motor disability (both arm affected-BA) and
cerebral palsy, the facility of scribe shall be given, if so desired by the person.
In case the candidate is allowed to bring his own scribe, the qualification of the
scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking
Examination. The compensatory time will be twenty (20) minutes per hour of
examination for persons who are allowed use of scribe. The candidates, not
availing the facility of scribe will also be allowed additional time of minimum of
one hour for Examination of 3 hours duration and 40 minutes for Examination
of 2 hours duration, as per Office Memo F.No.34-02/2015-DD-III, Government
of India – Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Department of
Empowerment of persons with Disabilities, dated 29/08/2018.
viii) In case the Hall-Ticket is without photo or too small, he/she should affix
a passport size photo on Hall-ticket and appear by duly getting attested by
Gazetted Officer. He/she shall handover similar photo for each paper to
Chief Superintendent for affixing the same on the Nominal Rolls.
ix) The candidate will not be admitted to the Examination Hall without
procedural formalities.
x) The candidate’s admission to the Examination is provisional, subject to
the eligibility, confirmation/satisfaction of conditions laid down in the
Notification No.10/2023.
xi) Future correspondence, if any, shall be made by enclosing the Hall
Ticket. He/she may obtain Chief Superintendent’s attestation on
Hall Ticket for attendance Certification.
xii) The Conventional Type Tests, such as, Language Tests, Translation
Tests and Surveyor’s Tests, papers should be answered in chosen
language only. Answering of any paper in bilingual, i.e., partly in
English and Telugu/Urdu leads to invalidation.
xiii) The candidates should put his/ her signature and get the signature of
the invigilator at the appropriate places in the Nominal Roll and Bar
Code sheet affixed on answer script.
xiv) Instructions to be followed scrupulously in the Examination Hall.

Departmental Tests November, 2023 Session
- Instruction Manual
- APPLY ONLINE (existing user)