INSPIRE MANAK NATIONAL AWARDS SELECTION LIST 2023 RELEASED:INSPIRE MANAK – 10th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) from 09th Oct -11th Oct2023 in New Delhi – Award function – Participation – Orders – Issued – Regarding. Proc.Rc. No.ESE02/620/2022-SCERT-Part(1) Dated: 05/10/2023

School Education – SCERT – INSPIRE MANAK – 10th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) from 09th Oct -11th Oct2023 in New Delhi – Award function – Participation – Orders – Issued – Regarding. Proc.Rc. No.ESE02/620/2022-SCERT-Part(1) Dated: 05/10/2023
Ref: Lr. No. 12011/85/2023-IAM received from Sandeep Bansal, Scientist C, GOI, Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi. dated: 15th September, 2023.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that a letter in reference red above received from Sandeep Bansal, Scientist C, GOI communicating the following instructions with regard to 10th National Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) from 09th Oct -11th Oct2023 in New Delhi as follows:-
- The 10thNational Level Exhibition and Project Competition (NLEPC) of the awardees selected from State Level Exhibition and Project Competitions (SLEPCs) conducted by respective States/ UT’s is scheduled to be held during 09th-11thOctober, 2023 at New Delhi.
- The exact location of the venue for the NLEPC will be communicated in due course and around 600 entries are expected from all the 36 States/UTs.
- This requires a time bound action on the part of States/ UTs, particularly in sending the list of participating awardees along with a brief write-up in the prescribed format for making arrangements for travel of awardees and accompanying teachers/State officials and transportation of their projects from their respective accommodation to Delhi and back, arrangements for boarding and lodging and local transportation in Delhi through respective Resident Commissioners and, so on.
- The entire cost of the programme would be borne by the Department of Science & Technology through National Innovation Foundation (NIF) and requisite amount as per norms would be credited to the account of State Nodal officer through electronic mode of transfer.
- The national level organisers are invited to the senior functionaries of the State Government to visit the exhibition at any time during 09th -11th October, 2023 and attend the Award Ceremony on 11th October,2023.
Meanwhile, they are requested to issue instructions to the District Science Officers/One escort teacher to make necessary arrangements with regard to arrival of students to state office at Vijayawada by 7.00pm on 07.10.2023 and receiving from state office to their respective places on 12.10.2023 evening 10pm at Vijayawada as well.
The teachers/ state officials, who are accompanying with the students, shall take the responsibility of the students from the state headquarters to New Delhi and vice versa along with their projects.
All the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to follow the undermentioned instructions scrupulously:
- Issue necessary instructions to the guide teachers to make arrangements for traveling of selected students (list enclosed) from their respective places to the district headquarters.
- The District science officer/one escort teacher shall take the responsibility of the students from the District Head quarters to State office and until the programme is complete. And also acquire authorization forms from their parents for allowing their children to send New Delhi before sending them to the 10th NLEPC.
- The District Science Officers/guide teachers may claim travel reimbursements in accordance with the rules by submitting travel documentation and T.A. forms to the nodal officer from their originating location to the state headquarters and in the same manner in return.
- They are also instructed to relieve the District Science officers/guide teachers/escort teacher to accompany the students so as to reach the state headquarters on 07.10.2023 by 7pm and take them from the state head quarters on 12th evening 10.00pm.
For further details, contact Dr.G.R.Bhagyasri, State Science Officer, cell No.7396602602.
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