Viswakarma Jayanti on September 17 as a State Festival

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Dt. 14/09/2023

Read the following:-
1. From the Addl.Secy to Chief Minister, CMP.No.3246/Addl.Secy to
CM/2023, dt.29.08.2023.
2. From the Director, BC Welfare (FAC), Rc.No.G.1883/2023, dt.04.09.2023.

The Director, B.C. Welfare, Vijayawada in the reference 2nd read above, has
submitted a proposal to declare and celebrate the “Viswakarma Jayanti” which falls
in the month of September, 17th in every year as State Festival to consider the
request made by the Chairman, AP Viswabrahmin Welfare and Development
Corporation on behalf of the Viswabrahmin community.
Government after careful examination, hereby declare the “Viswakarma
Jayanti” which falls in the month of September, 17th in every year to celebrate as
State Festival in a befitting manner, to acknowledge the greatness of Lord
Viswakarma and concede the request of the Viswabrahmin community.
The Director of Backward Classes Welfare, Vijayawada and Managing
Director/Person-In-Charge of A.P. Viswabrahmin Welfare and Development
Corporation, Vijayawada are requested to take further action in the matter


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