Transportation of Kitchen Utensils from Mandal points to School points, through Mobile Dispensing Unit vehicles: CCS.Ref.No.PDS.II(1)/1021/1/2023 Dated. 20/09/2023
Sub:- CS Dept. – Jagananna Gorumudda (MDM) – Transportation of Kitchen Utensils from Mandal points to School points, through Mobile Dispensing Unit vehicles – Instructions issued.
Ref:-1.Govt. Memo No.2107744/2023-PROG.III, dated:01.09.2023 of the School Education (Prog.III) Department.
- Lr.No.ESE02/XXXXX/XX/2023-MDM-CSE, dated:08.09.2023 of the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, School Education department, A.P., Vijayawada.
- E-mail Dated 19.09.2023, of the Director, MDM & SS,School Education Department, Vijayawada, A.P.
In the reference 2nd cited, the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, School Education department, A.P., Vijayawada has stated that Government of Andhra Pradesh is giving utmost priority to Implementation of Jagananna Gorumudda by providing nutritious of food to the school going children and nearly 36 lakhs students are getting benefitted daily in 44,000 schools and in this direction the Government has decided to supply the kitchen utensils to all Govt. Schools under Jagananna Gorumudda (PM Poshan) and accordingly, tenders were called for supply of kitchen utensils and work orders have been issued to selected bidders for the same.
In the reference the Director, MDM & School Sanitation, School Education department, A.P., Vijayawada has further stated the request raised by the selected bidders that the transportation of kitchen utensils was taken up by the Department from Mandal level to School points however, the transportation cost, including labour charges and others shall be borne by selected bidders and the Department has given willingness for maximum rate@ Rs.150/- per kit which will be deducted from the payment to be paid to the vendors.
Further, the Principal Secretary to Government, School Education department has conducted a convergence meeting with the officials of Civil Supplies Department and Director, MDM on 07.08.2023 to finalize the rates for the transportation cost for shifting kitchen utensils from Mandal point to the door steps of the Schools throughout the State and decided to transport the Kitchen Utensils through MDU vehicles from Mandal Point to School points for Rs. 150 per kit.
In view of the above, all the Collectors (CS) are requested to take necessary steps for smooth supply of the Kitchen Utensils through MDU vehicles from Mandal Point to School point. The contact details of the person available at the Mandal points (MEOs) and contact
details of office staff at district level(DEOs) for supply of the kitchen utensils through MDU Vehicle as furnished, vide reference 3rd cited is attached for favour of information and necessary action.
In order to ensure the smooth distribution of the Kitchen Utensils through MDU
vehicles from Mandal Point to School points, all the Collectors (CS) are requested to follow the instructions indicated below:
- Identify MDU vehicles per each mandal as per the requirement.
- The location along with the address and contact details of the person available at mandal points who will hand over the Kitchen Utensils are to be intimated to the MDU operator concerned in advance.
- A person from the MEO office shall be accompanied and coordinate with the MDU operator from lifting of Kitchen Utensils from the mandal points to till the completion of unloading of Kitchen Utensils at the Schools concerned.
- The role of MDU operator shall be limited to loading and unloading of Kitchen Utensils and transportation only from mandal point to schools.
- The School Education Department shall arrange payment to the MDU operators through their MEOs, immediately after completion of distribution of Kitchen Utensils.
- Services of MDU operators may be utilized for supply of Kitchen Utensils only after completion of PDS Distribution process preferably from 23rd of the month.
- It shall be ensured that the distribution of commodities under PDS, ICDS, and PD Poshan/ Jagananna Gorumudda are not disturbed with the supply of Kitchen Utensils.
- DCSOs shall coordinate with the respective DEOs and understand the logistic arrangements for taking delivery of the Kitchen Utensils from the Mandal Points and transportation of the same to school points through MDUs
- The DCSOs shall collect the list of Schools where these kits containing Kitchen Utensils shall be delivered.
- Identify the MDU operators, who will be deployed for this work calculating on the basis of the milestone that the work should start on 23rd, September, 2023 and be completed on 24th September, 2023.
- Once this mapping is done, the list of operators and their mobile numbers are to be given to the respective MEOs and also to DEO.
- Orientation to be given to MDU operators in advance about this task and the transportation charges that will be paid.
- Tahsildars, ASOs, CSDTs shall be given monitoring responsibilities by allotting specific mandal to them.
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.