School Education – Joint certification of the 10th and 12th AP Board with IB to the students studying in the AP Board schools- – Enabling the students in Govt. schools of Andhra Pradesh to achieve high-end global jobs by transforming the 10th and 12th boards to make them equivalent to IB board for certification -Formation of Steering Committee for guidance and report submission to Govt. on the areas of reform and transformation and defining roadmap for the assessment and MOC (detailed agreement) – Entering into MOC (detailed agreement) with the IB – Orders – Issued.
SCHOOL EDUCATION (PROG.IV) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No. 81, Dated: 25th September, 2023.
The Government of Andhra Pradesh’s motto is to enable and prepare the students studying in Andhra Pradesh’s Govt. schools to make them global citizens with high-end global jobs in future. To make this vision into reality, it is focusing on transforming education in government schools to make students learn the skills to enable and prepare them for the future. Since 2019, Govt. has been on a continuous endeavour to ensure that the young generation of Andhra Pradesh studying in Govt. schools, become globally employable citizens. The first step in the direction is to improve the knowledge of the English language. The government has undertaken numerous initiatives in this direction –
- In Academic Year (AY) 2019-20, English was made as a medium of instruction in all the 45,000 Govt. schools. Today all the 41 lakh students studying in Govt. schools are getting education in English medium.
- In AY 2020-21, Govt. introduced the Bilingual textbooks in the subjects of Science, Social Science and Mathematics subjects under the flagship program of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka. To ensure that the English language knowledge is improved English language labs were put up in the Govt. Schools.
- In AY 2021-22, to improve the English of the students, Oxford dictionary was being provided to all the students from class 6 to 10. For the classes 3rd to 5th pictorial dictionary was provided for English improvement. Moreover, Subject Teachers for English were introduced from class 3rd onward, instead of class 6th (as is the standard norms).
- In AY 2022-23, to provide the students with national and global platforms for learning and recognition, for providing the best content in science, social science and mathematics, AV bilingual content from Byjus’ is being used by the Government in all the Govt. schools, to further strengthen the learning quality of the students. The Class VIII students and teachers were provided 5,18,740 personal TABS for learning enhancement with the Byjus’ App and content preloaded for the purpose of learning.
- In AY 2023-24, under the flagship program of Nadu Nedu, digitization of the school infrastructure is being done through 30,213 Interactive Flat panels (IFP) in High schools and 10,038 Smart TVs in Primary schools. In the leftover classrooms the IFPs and Smart TVs will be provided by 21st Dec, 2023. Govt. has also approved the proposal to enter into agreement with ETS (Education Testing Services) for providing the opportunity for improving the speaking of English and enhancing the TOEFL preparation for the examination of students studying in Govt. schools.
While improving the English knowledge of the students is an essential requirement, to make them globally employable, the next important requirement was to bolster their knowledge and skillset in the next generation upcoming technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Large language models (LLM), Data Analytics to bringing in LLM platform tools such as Chat GPT, Web 3.0, Augmented Reality, Virtual reality, Internet of Things, Central bank Digital Currency, Autonomous vehicles, 3D-Printing, Gaming, etc.
Government of Andhra Pradesh has decided to form a High-Level Working group to decide and work towards finalization of the Curriculum, Infrastructure, Resource deployment, Learning content and Labs requirement, etc for Futuristic Skills. The working committee decided that Government has to bring in a new subject of Future skills as a subject in the curriculum.
Government also assessed that it is pivotal to focus and change the present practice of the pedagogy, way of assessing subjects, the curriculum and evaluation process. To bring about the change in the methodology, assessment and curriculum, etc. it was decided to bring in an international board which could bring transformation of the AP State boards and also provide Joint Certification of Global Standards to students. After multiple rounds of deliberation and discussions with various international organizations and boards including Country Heads of the boards, School Education Dept. is entering into MoU (LoI) with 1B (International Baccalaureate).
Government of Andhra Pradesh is entering into MoU (LOI) with the International Baccalaureate with the following objectives –
- To prepare Andhra Pradesh students for global employability. Recognizing current trends it is vital that the present generation of students possess not only subject expertise but also skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, lateral thinking and practical application of knowledge in daily life. The Government of Andhra Pradesh imparts education through two boards: 1) the 10th Board managed by the Commissioner of School Education, and 2) the 12th Board managed by the Secretary of the Intermediate Board. The Government of Andhra Pradesh aims to align these educational boards with IB.
- Needs analysis and lighthouse project to create a comprehensive roadmap for the gradual transformation of all 10th and 12th Education Board schools in Andhra Pradesh simultaneously over a span of 12 years. This transformation will involve enhancing capacities by progressing through one class each year. By Year 12th, it is intended that this will culminate in the transformation of the Andhra Pradesh 10th and 12th Educational Board to an equivalent level as the IB. The tangible evidence of this transformation is that students who graduate from Class 10th and 12th will receive a Joint Certificate from both the AP Board and IB.
- To initiate a needs analysis to design a roadmap for reform, transformation, and alignment of the 10th and 12th Educational Board of Government of Andhra Pradesh, intending for equivalence with the IB concerning pedagogical methods, assessments, and eventually enabling students who pass the 10th and 12th grades from these boards to obtain a certificate endorsed by IB.
Now to work towards the detailed contours of the MOC (Detailed Agreement) with 1B (International Baccalaureate), a Steering Committee and two Working Groups are being formed with the following members-
Steering Committee Group:
- Principal Secretary, School Education : Chairman
- Commissioner of School Education : Member
- Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education : Member
- Commissioner of School Infrastructure : Member
- Commissioner of Intermediate Education : Member
- Representative of Principal Finance Secretary : Member
- Representative of Law Secretary : Member
- State Project Director, Samagra Siksha : Member
- Director, Mid Day Meal : Member
- MD, APWEIDC : Member
- Director, Govt. Textbook Press : Member
- Director, Open Schools Society : Member
- Director of Govt. Examinations : Member
- Director, SCERT : Convenor
Working Group 1:
- Commissioner of School Education : Chairman
- Director of Govt. Examinations : Member
- Director Open School : Member
- Director SIEMAT : Member
- Director, SCERT : Member
- Director, Govt. Textbook Press : Member
Other members and Convenor to be nominated by CSE
Working Group 2:
- Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education : Chairman
- Commissioner of Intermediate Education : Member
- Director AP Open School : Member
- Director, SCERT : Member
Other members and Convenor to be nominated by Secretary, Board of Intermediate Education
The Working Group 1 will be taking care of 2 programs transformation and incorporation at the Board level in Andhra Pradesh of the IB called the Primary Years Programme and the Middle Years Programme. They will discuss with the delegation of IB and understand the areas of transformation and reform as well as define the roadmap of the assessment and certification for each of the classes. The Working Group will submit a detailed report about this to the Steering Committee.
The Working Group 2 will be taking care of 2 programs transformation and incorporation at the Board level in Andhra Pradesh, of the IB, called the Diploma Programme and the IB Career Related Programme. They will discuss with the delegation of IB and understand the areas of transformation and reform as well as define the roadmap of the assessment and certification for each of the The Working Group will submit a detailed report about this to the Steering Committee.
The main objective of the Steering Committee and the Working Groups is to take up the activity to transform the AP 10th and 12th Boards and align the assessment and certification for joint certification along with the IB which is equivalent to IB certification. Post-assessment of the reports submitted by both working groups to the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee will submit the report to the Government for taking further necessary action.
Download G.O.Ms.No. 81, Dated: 25th September, 2023