SCERT:5 Days CAREER GUIDANCE TRAINING to Teachers/JL’s at RIE,Mysore.Sub:- SE – D’SCERT – Deputing Teacher / Junior Lecturers for the 5 days Training Programme on Career Guidance for the State of AndhraPradesh–Orders–Issued-Regarding.

Read:Lr.Rc.No.F.25.15/DEE/2023-24/RIEM, dt:19/09/2023 of the Principal,RIE,Mysore.
While enclosing a copy of reference read above, the District
Educational Ofcer in the state are requested to instruct the concerned
Head Masters to relieve the teachers (annexure enclosed) for attend the 5
day Training Programme on Career Guidance for the State of Andhra
Pradesh from 9th -13th October, 2023 at RIE Mysore.
TA / DA will be paid by RIE, Mysore.
In this regard all teacher are instructed to keep their travel tickets
safe for reimbursement.
For further queries please contact Dr.T.Padmavathi, faculty, SCERT
Cell No.9848390577.
DOWNLOAD PROCEEGINGS|Listof theTeachersfor 5Day TrainingProgrammeon CareerGuidance