Updation of Child Info and marking of Student Attendance –

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Updation of Child Info and marking of Student Attendance – 

School Education – Updation of Child Info and marking of Student Attendance – Orders – Issued Rc.No.ESE02/498/2022-PLG -CSE   Dt: 28/10/2022



1) This office proc. Rc. No. 145/A&I/2020 dated 18/08/2021
2) Govt. Memo. ESE01-SEDNOCSE/784/2021-PROG-II Dt: 14.08.2021 

3) This office proc. Rc.No.24/A&I/2022, dated 25.02.2022
4) Student Attendance App developed by TCS.
5) This office Procs. Rc. No. ESE02/498/2022-PLG –CSE, dt.06-07-2022


The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references read above and they are informed that in the reference 3rd read above, certain guidelines were issued regarding commencing the academic year 2022-23, school preparedness and readiness programme.


The child data base in child info is to be updated with fresh admissions and withdrawals duly ensuring that the enrollment of the schools shall be reflected in the child database for benefiting the students with the provisions made for the students studying in all schools under all managements.


In this regard the following guidelines are herewith reiterated which were already issued in the reference 5th read above, to all the fled functionaries to instruct all the headmasters of all schools under all managements regarding updating the child information in child info.

  1. Provision for registering/ updating the child database will be enabled from 5th July 2022 onwards.
  2. Considering automatic promotions to the students to the next class are refected in the child data base.
  3. Students of the last class of a particulars schools are pushed to system dropouts to enable them to admit in new schools where the child is joined in next class.
  4. If the students of remaining classes issued with transfer certifcates/record sheets the same shall be updated in the child info and to kept them as general dropouts to enable them to admit in new schools.
  5. Child info shall be updated on daily basis subject to admissions and withdraws in that school
  6. Before capturing the student’s attendance, the child database shall be synchronized to refect the data of new admissions and withdrawals.
  7. As the 30th September of respective academic year is the cutof date for updating UDISE+ data, the same will be applied for updating the child information also. The Child info registrations shall be stopped w.e.f 09.2022 for the academic year 2022-23. However, admissions and withdrawals can be taken up offline as per RTE norms. The data base of such children will be refected in the next consequent academic year.
  8. As the student’s attendance is one of the criteria for Jagananna Ammavodi program, all headmasters and teachers shall ensure that the students who attend the school shall be updated and synchronized regularly to ensure that all the students refected in students attendance app.
  9. As mandated by Government, all schools functioning in Andhra Pradesh under all managements shall mark the student attendance regularly in the  existing student attendance app provided by the department. Any  deviation in this regard shall be viewed seriously.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are once again herewith requested to disseminate the above guidelines to all headmasters of all schools under all managements through the fled officers concerned and to ensure that the error free child info is registered and see that the entire task should be completed by 31-10-2022 without fail.


Top priority should be given to this item of work.

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