Consumer Awareness Programme – in AP schools

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Consumer Awareness Programme – in APschools 

School Education – Consumer Afairs – CP Act – 2019 – Consumer Awareness Programme – in schools in all Mandal head quarter High Schools in 26 Districts – To take appropriate steps for conduction of Exam Smoothly – Instructions – Issued – Regarding.


1.Letter addressed through Mail dt:26.22.2022 from the GeneralSecretary, CAPCO, AP.

2. This Ofce Memo Dt:01.10.2022.

3.Letter addressed through Mail dt:10.10.2022 from the GeneralSecretary, Consumers Organization (CAPCO ), Door no 12-1353Road no 15, Sundaraiah Nagar TADI PALLI, VIJAYAWADA -1

Consumer Affairs Program in All Mandal Headquarter High Schools

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and and the District Educational Ofcers, in the state are informed that the General Secretary, Consumers Organization (CAPCO),Sundaraiah Nagar TADIPALLI, VIJAYAWADA -1 has informed vide reference 2nd & 3rd cited, that as a part of AZAD KI AMRUIT MAHASTVAO the Confederation of Andhra Pradesh Consumers Organization (CAPCO) is going to Conduct Consumer Awareness Program in all Manadal head quarters High schools in 26 Districts.And they are going to provide all materials like question paper,Answer Paper and PARTICIPATE CERTIFICATE etc., In this connection, the commissioner civil supplies has issued directions to the collector civil supplies for conduct the program smoothly.

As such, they are requested to give necessary instructions to all Head Masters through DISTRICT EDUCATIONAL OFFICERS (DEOs)for conducting the above program smoothly, and this Program will be ended by August 2023.

In view of the above, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Ofcers in the state are requested to take appropriate action to conduct the consumer Awareness Programme in High schools in all Mandal head quarters in the state smoothly 


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