BRAOU:MBA HHCM II Phase Admission Counselling-2022 on 17-10-2022

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BRAOU:MBA HHCM II Phase Admission Counselling-2022 on 17-10-2022
Student Services Branch
Dr.L.V.K.Reddy Road it 46. Prof.G.Ram Reddy Marg. Jubilee ‘fills. Hyderabad — 500033
Officer incharge (LSSD )
Lr.No: ‘6 /LSSD /U.111/ 2022-23 Date: 13-10-2022
sear Student,
Congratulations for qualifying in the Entrance Examination for admission into MBA (HHCM) for the academic year 2022-23. You are informed to appear for counselling on 17-10-2022 at 10.00 a,m, with the following Original documents for verification for admission to MBA (HHCM) programme.
Online Application form filled by you earlier for the Entrance Exam
Hall Ticket of MBA(HHCM) entrance 2022
SSC/Proof of Date of Birth
Degree Marks statements S. Degree Provisional Certificate
Transfer Certificate (last studied)
Latest Caste certificate in case of SC/ST/BC candidates
Recent Migration certificate (other than Dr.BRAOU students)
Medical certificate in case of PH candidates
3 pass photo size Photos
A set of Xerox copies of all the above certificates (i.e.Sl.No.1 to 10)
For payment of tuition fee after admission
Demand Draft in favour of the Registrar, Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad for Rs.22400/- (Rupees Twenty Two Thousand and Four Hundred only)
Demand Draft for Rs.57600/- (Fifty seven Thousand and Six Hundred Only) which can be drawn at the SBI branch the University in favour of the Director of the concerned institution for which you opt for admission (or) the amount can be paid in cash at the counter Please be present for counselling on 17-10-2022 at 10.00 a.m. in E-Class Room, STML

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