School Complex: National online consultative work Shop on from October 3rd -8th, 2022- Nomination of officers

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School Complex: National online consultative work Shop on  from October 3rd -8th, 2022- Nomination of officers

Attention is invited to the reference cited above, in which the Head, NCSL, New Delhi has intimated that, on operationalizing the policy goals, the NCSL-NIEPA is organizing a National Online Consultative Workshop on School Complex from October 3rd – 8th, 2022.      The main purpose of the workshop is to learn from the state on eforts of implementation of the Policy Goals on establishment of School Complexes and draw a national framework for the same which meets the diverse needs at the same time establishes parity across the country. In this connection the NCSL-NIEPA, New Delhi have attached a detailed background note .( Enclosed)      The District Educational Ofcers & Ex-Ofcio Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha concerned districts  are hereby informed that as per the above request, the following officers are  nominated to attend the ‘ National Online Consultative


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