Municipal Teachers Certain instructions for drawl of salaries

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Municipal Teachers Certain instructions for drawl ofsalaries

Roc.No. 21022/2/2022/E,
O/o the Commissioner & Director of
Municipal Administration,
A.P., Vaddeswaram.

Sub: MA Dept – Teachers Establishment – Entrustment of Supervision and
Administrative responsibilities of the Municipal Schools including service maters of Municipal Teachers to School Education Department
– Certain instructions for drawl ofsalaries – Issued – Reg.

Ref: This Office Circular Roc No. 21022/3/2022/E1, dated 24.08.2022.
In continuation to the instructions issued in the reference cited, the
Commissioners of ULBs, where Municipal Schools exist, are requested totake
immediate necessary steps to draw the salaries of the Municipal Teachers from
September, 2022 until further orders as mapping of cadre strength of the Municipal
Teachers with the cadre strength of the School Education Dept., in APCFSS Portal is not
yet completed.

2. All the RDMAs in the State are requested to ensure the above instructions are
complied with by all the Commissioners in the respective Regions without any

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