CSIR UGC NET June 2022 admit card released

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CSIR UGC NET June 2022 admit card released

The admit card for the CSIR UGC NET June 2022 has been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Candidates who are preparing for the National Eligibility Test can download their hall ticket from the official website at csirnet.nta.nic.in.

Applicants need to enter their CSIR UGC NET June 2022 application number and date of birth to access the hall ticket. As per the schedule, the CSIR UGC NET 2022 exam will be conducted from 16 to 18 September. The computer-based test (CBT) exam will be held in two shifts. The first will be from 9 am to 12 noon and the second from 3 pm to 6 pm.

Here are a few steps to download the NTA CSIR NET admit card 2022:
Step 1: Go to csirnet.nta.nic.in

Step 2: Search and click on the link that reads ‘Download Admit Card of CSIR UGC NET – June 2022’ that is on the homepage.

Step 3: As the page opens, submit your application number and date of birth on the given portal

Step 4: The CSIR UGC NET 2022 admit card will appear on the screen

Step 5: Save, download and keep a printout of the CSIR UGC NET 2022 admit card for future need

Direct link to download the NTA CSIR admit card 2022: https://csirnet.cbtexam.in/candidateportal/LoginPage.aspx

Candidates should note that the admit card will contain all details such as the applicant’s name, roll number, date of birth, gender, application number, reporting time, gate closing time, exam venue and subject applied for, among others.

Check the CSIR NET exam schedule:

Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences on 16 September- Shift 1 (9 am to 12 noon)
Physical Sciences on 16 September – Shift 1 (9 am to 12 noon)
Mathematical Sciences on 16 September – Shift 2 (3 pm to 6 pm)
Life Sciences Shift-1 on 17 September – Shift 1 (9 am to 12 noon)
Life Sciences Shift-2 on 17 September – Shift 2 (3 pm to 6 noon)
Chemical Sciences on 18 September – Shift 1 (9 am to 12 noon)

Exam Schedule direct link: https://nta.ac.in/Download/Notice/Notice_20220904150052.pdf

The CSIR UGC NET Exam is being conducted to determine the eligibility of candidates for the posts of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Lectureship (LS) /Assistant Professor in Indian universities and colleges.

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