APREIS – Academic-II(1) – APRJC & DC CET-2022 Conduct of manual counseling for admission of students into 1st year Intermediate on 12-09-2022 – Certain instructions – Orders – Issued.

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APREIS – Academic-II(1) – APRJC & DC CET-2022 Conduct of manual counseling for admission of students into 1st year Intermediate on 12-09-2022 – Certain instructions – Orders – Issued.

గురుకుల జూనియర్ కళాశాలల్లో ప్రవేశానికి 12న కౌన్సెలింగ్

ఈనాడు డిజిటల్, అమరావతి:* గురుకుల జూనియర్ కళాశాలల్లో మొదటి సంవత్సరం ప్రవేశానికి నిర్వహించిన ఏపీఆర్ సీ నెట్లో అర్హత సాధించి, ఇప్పటివరకు విడుదల చేసిన జాబితాలో సీటు పొందని అభ్యర్థు లకు ఈ నెల 12న కౌన్సెలింగ్ జరగనుంది. ఏపీఆర్ట్సే సొసైటీ కార్యదర్శి నరసింహారావు గురువారం ఒక ప్రకటనలో ఈ విషయాన్ని వెల్లడించారు. గుంటూరు, కర్నూలు, వాయల్పాడు మైనారిటీ కళాశాలల్లో ఎంపీసీ, బీపీసీ, సీఈసీ విభాగాల్లో ప్రవేశాల నిమిత్తం మైనారిటీ కోటాకు చెందిన అభ్యర్థులు సెట్ రాయకపోయినా కౌన్సెలింగ్ కు హాజరు కావొచ్చని పేర్కొన్నారు. ఇతర వివరాలకు http://aprs.apcfss.in వెబ్సైట్ను చూడాలని సూచించారు.


Present: R. Narasimha Rao, M.A, B.Ed., D.I.T.

Rc.No.ESE53-ACAD0ADM(JCDC)/1/2022-ACCD, Date:08/09/2022

Sub: APREIS – Academic-II(1) – APRJC & DC CET-2022 – Conduct of manual counselling for admission of students into 1st year Intermediate on 12-09-2022 – Certain instructions – Orders – Issued.

Ref: Orders of the Vice-Chairman, APREIS.


As there are many number of vacancies still remained in APRJCs, it is decided to conduct manual counselling for admission of students into 1st year Intermediate on 12-09-2022 in two regions as shown hereunder:

Sl. No


Regional Convenor


Place of Counselling

Date of Counselling



Principal, APRJC,

Nimmakuru, Krishna Dt.

  1. APRJC, N’Sagar

  2. APRJC Guntur

  3. APRJC,


  4. APRJC,


  5. APRJC,


Pariksha Bhavan, Govt., Urdu Boys School,

Near Old Bus stand Centre, Guntur.




Principal, APRJC,


  1. APRJC,


  2. APRJC Vayalpad

  3. APRJC


  4. APRJC Kurnool

  5. APRJC Banavasi

  6. APRJC

N’Sagar(Rayalasee ma quota)


(Min -Boys), Behind New Eedgaa, Kurnool

Further, the following officers are appointed to look after the counselling process:



Name of the officer and Designation

Appointed as


Sri H.Md. Ubedulla, Regional Deputy Secretary, Kadapa

Observer for Rayalaseema Region, Kurnool.


Sri T Apparao, JL in Maths, APRJC, Nimmakuru

Observer for Andhra Region, Guntur


Sri C Pradeep Kumar, Principal (FAC), APRJC Nimmakuru

Regional Convenor, Andhra Region


Sri J S Guptha, Principal (FAC). APRJC, Banavasi

Regional Convenor, Rayalaseema Region


Sri U Sudhakar, Principal (FAC), APRS, Kurnool (MB)

Assistant to Regional Convenor, Rayalaseema Region.


Dr P V Malleswar, Librarian , APRJC, Guntur

Assistant to Regional Convenor, Andhra Region.

In this connection, the following guidelines are issued to the Regional Convenors and Principals of APR Junior Colleges:

  1. Counselling for APRJC -2022-23 admissions will be conducted in two regions i.e., Andhra and Rayalaseema regions separately.

  2. The Convenor- APRJC CET -2022 will held responsible for the whole counselling process. Two senior Principals of APR Junior Colleges are appointed as regional convenors for two regions for conduct of counselling.

  3. The Regional Convenor have to appoint 3 Senior most Junior Lecturers, two clerks and two Attenders of their region for assistance in the counselling

  4. During counselling, the Principal, one Junior Lecturer, one UDC, one Computer operator and an attender of each college should be attended at the counselling centre to verify the certificates and to collect the fees.

  5. Counselling will be conducted on 12-09-2022 by sharp 9:00AM.

  6. During counselling first open category seats will be filled up. Later on, reserved category seats will be filled. If orphan, EWS and other special reservation category candidates are not available those seats will be converted into open category. In case of non-availability of candidates in particular sub group of BC community, seats can be converted among the BC sub groups. In case of non-availability of candidates in concerned SC and ST categories, SC seats can be filled with ST candidates and vice versa.

  7. Colleges will be allotted as per the preferences given by the students at the time counselling. Once allotted, the choice of the candidate cannot be modified.

  8. Once allotment is made for a candidate, the admission will be processed immediately by the concerned team of the college. Students who got seats in colleges should submit all the required certificates along with the allotment order and pay the fee the Principal of respective college.

  9. The students who are called to counselling in reservation or special category should bring respective certificates.

  10. The observers appointed above are informed to look after whole counselling process to be done as per the guidelines of the admissions. If any discrepancy noticed should be brought to the notice of the Secretary, APREIS or Convenor, APRJCCET-2022.

  11. The officers who are appointed as Assistant to Regional Convenors are informed to look after all the arrangement at counselling centres and to Assist the Regional Convenors during counselling.

  12. Counselling timings will be from 9.00 am to end of the all seats.

Further, it is decided to fill up the vacant seats of MEC, CGT, EET groups by the candidates who have not appeared for APRJCCET- 2022 directly during the counselling on 12-09-2022. Seats which are earmarked for Minority Quota in APR Minority Colleges Guntur (Boys), Kurnool (Boys) and Vayalapdu (Girls) will be filled up directly during the counselling time. Hence all the Principals are strictly informed to give wide publicity in their regions duly giving press note and other means of advertisements regarding the Counselling and regarding direct admission into vacant seats of MEC, CGT, EET groups and minority seats in minority colleges. The principals should report compliance regarding the publicity given.

The following Remuneration will be paid to the personnel involved in the counselling process in addition to T.A & DA as per rules and Local Conveyance Per day Rs. 200/- in Capital and Rs. 150/- at other places.

Sl. No


Amount per day Rs.


Regional Convener/ Principals



Junior Lecturer/Librarian/PD



Senior Asst./Junior Asst.



Computer Operator

350 /-




Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously and attracts disciplinary action. Receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged.

R. Narasimha Rao Secretary


The Convenor, APRJC CET-2022. All the concerned above.

The Principals of all APR Junior Colleges.


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