Teachers Day Celebrations, 2022 – State Awards to the Best teachers – Inviting nominations by the interested teachers

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Teachers Day Celebrations, 2022 – State Awards to the Best teachers – Inviting nominations by the interested teachers

Rc.No. ESE02-29026/1/2021-TB SEC-CSE  Dt. 16-08-2022

Sub: School Education – Teachers Day Celebrations, 2022 – State Awards to the Best teachers – Inviting nominations by the interested teachers – Instructions Issued – Regarding.

1. G.O.Rt. No. 434 Education (Ser. IV) Department, dt: 23.08.2000. 
2. G.O.Rt. No.500 Education (Trg.1) Department, dt: 02.09.2002 
3. G.O.Rt. No: 1111, Dt: 09.07.2020, Gen. Admn. (AR) Department 
4. G.O.Rt.No.429 Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, dt 09.08.2021

All the District Educational Officers in the State are hereby informed that STATE AWARDS function being organized every year on the eve of Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan’s birthday as Teachers’ day (GURUPUJOTHSAVAM) to honour the Best Teachers/Meritorious Teachers every year on September 5th.

The Government has decided to conduct the program this year to felicitate the services of hard working teaching fraternity, The District Educational Officers in the State are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the teachers in their jurisdictions to apply for the State Awards as per the proforma annexed. The proposed awards are to be given to the deserving teachers working under the following categories as given below:

  1. Head Masters/ School Assistants/TGTs/PGTs working in High Schools/ UP Schools under State Govt/ Zilla Parishad/ Municipal/ ITDA/ Aided/ APRIES/ APSWREIS/APTWREIS.
  2. Secondary Grade Teachers/PETS/Gr. II Pandits/ Craft/ Music working in Primary / Upper Primary Schools under State Govt/ Zilla Parishad/ Municipal/ ITDA/ Aided. 
Therefore, the District Educational Officers (26 Districts) in the State are requested to nominate one Best Teacher from the Category of Head Master/ School Assistant, one Best Teacher from the category of Secondary Grade Teacher and equal categories from Primaryl Upper Primary Schools and One retired teacher from erstwhile Districts (13 Districts) with the recommendations of District level selection committee duly evolving their performance as per the parameters assigned.

Performance Parameters for AP State Best Teacher Awards 2022

  1. The headmasters and teachers for their remarkable performance under Mana Badi Nadu Nedu, (Submission of bills in online, motivating the donors and getting donations to the schools, Motivated to the Artists for painting the school building with beautiful messages on voluntary basis,
  2. Increased enrolment in last 2 years,
  3. 100% utilization of TMF/IMMS app, marking attendance in MDM (99%),
  4. Ammavodi Verification in time and having accuracy of data with 99%,
  5. And has rendered the service during the covid-19 by imparting the teaching with alternative methods like e-lesson, online teaching, Reaching to the students in villages, certified by the committee Distribution of Jagananna Vidya Kanuka etc

AP State Best Teacher Awards 2022 Eligibility Criteria

  • 1. The Teachers/Head Masters who have completed 15 years of  Minimum Service
  • 2. The Teachers/Head Masters who have selected for the District Awards previously. 
  • 3. The Teachers/Head Masters who applied for National Awards earlier are not eligible. 
  • 4. The teachers who have charges/disciplinary proceedings/criminal cases are not eligible.

District Level Selection Committee for AP State Best Awards 2022

1. District Collector represented by JC, Development of the district CHAIRMAN
2 District Educational Officer CONVENOR 
3 Principal of DIET MEMBER 
4 Eminent Educationist or representative of an NGO MEMBER 
5 Any other District Officer,  MEMBER

The Selection Committee at District level should recommend the awardees duly evaluating the performance of the teachers in the specified areas of standards.

Selection Committee Evaluation Points in the Specified Areas for recommendation

  1. a. The Academic performance of Students in his/her class, 
  2. b. Teaching Methodology being followed by the teacher observation report of the Head Master. 
  3. c. Any innovation by the teacher for effective teaching learning process. 
  4. d. Special efforts of teacher to improve enrollment, and retention. 
  5. e. Sincerity and commitment towards the job, like regularity of attendance and other activities. 
  6. f. Maintenance of all the records and registers in School. 
  7. g. Preparation of low cost, no cost TLM and lesson plans along with the teaching dairy. 
  8. h. Involving students in all the activities that are conducted in the School.

Selection Criteria for Best Teachers for AP State Best Teacher Awards 2022

  1. 1. The District Educational Officer shall place the proposals received through proper channel i.e. Mandal Educational officers and Deputy Educational Officers before the District Selection Committee for selection of the Best Teachers.
  2. 2. The recommendations regarding the selected teachers, which should not be more than One Best Teacher from the Category of Head Master/ School Assistant, One Best Teacher from the category of Secondary Grade Teacher and equal categories from Primaryl Upper Primary Schools from 26 Districts and One retired teacher from erstwhile Districts (13 Districts), shall be sent to the office of the Commissioner of School Education duly filling the Certificate of antecedents and character, marks awarded to each nomination
  3. 3. The District Selection Committee shall nominate the teachers selected to the State Award.
  4. 4. Incomplete and defective proposals shall be summarily rejected by the District Selection Committees. If any District Committee sends particulars of more than one candidate in each category in deviation of the above instructions, all the nominations from those Districts will be rejected.

Schedule for Submission of AP State Best Teacher Awards 2022

SI.No. Activity Oates
1. Receipt of Applications  from the Individuals at District Level 20.08.2022 to 2408.2022
2 Scrutiny and Finalization of Awardees at the District Level 26.08.2022
3 Submission of Final List to the 0/0 of CSE 28.08.2022
4 State Function 05.09.2021

The District Educational Officers, Additional Project Officers of Samagra further requested to organize the teacher’s day celebrations at their jurisdictions in a befitting mariner as per the existing practice without giving any scope for adverse remarks in selection of awardecs and local protocol duly following, and strictly adherence to the Covid-19 SOPs.

The District Educational Officers in the State are requested to give wide publicity of the programme through News Papers or any other local mass media.

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