SALT:Conducting of a 9 day in person intensive Training to the identified District Level Observers from 04.08.2022 to 13.08.2022 DeputationMasters Trainers, Participants from the erstwhile district of Kurnool

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SALT: Conducting of a 9 day in person intensive Training to the identified District Level Observers from 04.08.2022 to 13.08.2022 Deputation Masters Trainers, Participants from the erstwhile district of Kurnool


Re. No: 03/DCEB/2022-23.Dated:01.08.2022

Sub: School Education – SALT- Conducting of a 9 day in person intensive Training to the identified District Level Observers from 04.08.2022 to 13.08.2022 Deputation

Masters Trainers, Participants from the erstwhile district of Kurnool – Orders – Issued.

Ref: Proc.Re.ESE02/547/2022-SCERT; Dt: 22-07-2022 Commissioner of School Education,

A.P. Amaravathi.

In obedience to the orders issued in the reference cited, where in the Commissioner of
School Education. A.P. Amaravathi has issued instructions to conduct a 9 day District Level
observers in person Teach Tool Intensive Training from 04-08-2022 to 13-08-2022 at 4 centers in the
erstwhile Kumool District by allocating the already trained Master Trainers to all the centers.

Therefore the following MEO/HMs are appointed as Course Directors to conduct a 9
day in person intensive training for selected observers and identified Masters Trainers are here by
instructed to attend the training programme scheduled from 04-08-2022 to 13-08-2022 at the allotted

Further the identified district level observers / participants (CRPs, UPS HMS & HS HMS) as
per the list enclosed are instructed to attend the said trainings at the allotted venues by 9:00 AM sharp on 04-08-2022 without fail.

Therefore the Principal DIET/ Mandal Educational Officers / Headmasters concerned are
hereby instructed to relieve the above Master Trainers on 01.08.2022 and the Participants (as per the
list) with instructions to report before the course directors of the concerned venue on 04-08-2022
without fail.
Hence, the course directors are instructed to conduct a 9 day in person intensive training
for selected observers with co-ordination of LFE (Leadership For Equity) Implementation co-coordinator N.Krishna and make arrangements in identified centers.
This should be treated as Most Important. No exemption will be entertained.
The TA will be paid as per norms.

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