CSE instructions to DEOs & MEOs in the VC held on Dt:18.04.2024
Class wise migration data:
a. DEOs must ensure that class-wise student migration data is Prepared for all schools.
b. Based on this data, mapping must be completed by 23/04/24 and HMS should confirm
admission to migrated students.
Digi Locker:
a. Ensure that student progress cards, certificates, and other documents are maintained in
Digi Locker and educate all parents on the usage of Digi Locker.
b. DEO, NTR must prepare a presentation on usage of Digi Locker based on the successful
pilot done in NTR District and share it with all DEOs for further dissemination.
c. Digilocker to be open for all students.
PEN Number (Permanent Education Number):
a. All the DEOs & MEOs should familiarize themself with the NDEAR (National Digital
Enterprise Architecture) and educate parents on the importance PEN Number. In future,
PEN will become national identification for all students.
Online app system for giving recognition/permission to Private/Unaided Schools:
a. To improve transparency and accountability, a process stabilization exercise is in place.
RJDs/DEOs must strictly adhere to the proposed procedure.
b. It is noticed that there is delay in the online application system due to pendency at
MEO/DyEO/DEO levels.
c. Auto Approval:
i. First level officer (MEO/DyEO) must clear an application within 30 days
(recommend it to the nextlevel or reject it).
ii. The next level (DyEO/DEO/RJD) must clear the application within 7 days.
iii. Any deviation from this process, concerned official shall be held
d. DEOs & MEOs must conduct an assessment/viability on the need for a school in a
particular area and then appropriately process the application.
e. Complete the process within the scheduled time without giving scope for any complaint.
f. DEOs must proactively prepare a list of schools where recognition is over or approaching
an end and intimate the schools for timely renewals.
Intermediate Results of High school Plus

Class wise migration data:
a. DEOs must ensure that class-wise student migration data is Prepared for all schools.
b. Based on this data, mapping must be completed by 23/04/24 and HMS should confirm
admission to migrated students.
Digi Locker:
a. Ensure that student progress cards, certificates, and other documents are maintained in
Digi Locker and educate all parents on the usage of Digi Locker.
b. DEO, NTR must prepare a presentation on usage of Digi Locker based on the successful
pilot done in NTR District and share it with all DEOs for further dissemination.
c. Digilocker to be open for all students.
PEN Number (Permanent Education Number):
a. All the DEOs & MEOs should familiarize themself with the NDEAR (National Digital
Enterprise Architecture) and educate parents on the importance PEN Number. In future,
PEN will become national identification for all students.
Online app system for giving recognition/permission to Private/Unaided Schools:
a. To improve transparency and accountability, a process stabilization exercise is in place.
RJDs/DEOs must strictly adhere to the proposed procedure.
b. It is noticed that there is delay in the online application system due to pendency at
MEO/DyEO/DEO levels.
c. Auto Approval:
i. First level officer (MEO/DyEO) must clear an application within 30 days
(recommend it to the nextlevel or reject it).
ii. The next level (DyEO/DEO/RJD) must clear the application within 7 days.
iii. Any deviation from this process, concerned official shall be held
d. DEOs & MEOs must conduct an assessment/viability on the need for a school in a
particular area and then appropriately process the application.
e. Complete the process within the scheduled time without giving scope for any complaint.
f. DEOs must proactively prepare a list of schools where recognition is over or approaching
an end and intimate the schools for timely renewals.
Intermediate Results of High school Plus
a. This year, 210 additional schools are to be upgraded to High school Plus. The 504
High school plus should become success schools. Good enrolment and excellent pass
percentage in these schools should be ensured.
b. DEOs must prioritize and focus on improving the pass percentage.
c. DEOs must review the performance of existing High school plus and submit a report
along with recommendations by 25th April(max 2 pages):
- On how to make this a successful model, with recommendations.
- Make teachers responsible for improvement, including remedial
classes for failed students and summer classes. All failed students should
take supplementary exams and pass. - Look at improving the next year’s admissions.
Summer activity in schools:
a. SCERT has prepared a detailed schedule for class-wise and age-appropriate activities, to
improve cognitive ability, social-emotional learning, etc.
i. Teachers must guide students to perform these activities, including reading at least
10 books, family budgeting, calligraphy courses…etc
b. PET/PD must organize summer coaching camps in a convenient location in their
respective jurisdiction. Detailed instructions issued to be followed.
Social Media:
a. DEOs must ensure “Consumption & Content creation” on social media platforms:
i. Consumption: Subscribe to the state social media handles of CSE & SSA.
ii. Content Creation: DEOs must identify teachers who can create good content
(Success stories, Best Practices, etc.) from the field and share it with the Vidya
Samiksha team for posting on the state handles.
Updation on SA/FA marks and generation of holistic progress cards:
a. Due to the ongoing MCC, the proposed PTM is postponed, but the progress reports
(abstracts) are to be shared with parents on 23/04/2024.
Marks Data entry:
a. Data entry of all marks from all the schools must be completed by 21/04/2024.
b. MEOs must monitor this work.
Deputation of Teachers:
a. As MCC is in force, no transfers of teachers are allowed.
i. If any orders were given prior to MCC and not implemented, such transfers
should not be taken up now.
ii. For FACs to Dy.E.O where ever the posts are vacant strictly follow the
prescribed procedure.
Model schools:
a. DEOs must establish summer coaching programs to improve the pass percentage and
prepare plans to improve enrolment in these schools.
b. On 21/04/2024, for the model school examination, DEOs must hold a convergence
meeting with health and police personnel to ensure smooth conduct of the exam as per
the instructions already communicated.
AP Residential Schools:
a. DEOs must focus on the admission test on 25/04/2024 for AP Residential schools,
including appointing invigilators for the examination.
Future Skills:
a. DEOs must map schools with engineering colleges. A Webex session will be scheduled
shortly to discuss this exercise further.
MEOs I & II must be entrusted with the following activities:
i. Ensure migration of children.
ii. Organize summer activities for children.
iii. Enroll new children into the school system.
iv. Data entry of FA/SA marks.
DEOs must prepare detailed instructions for the MEOs to carry out these activities.
The schools in each mandal can be divided into 2 groups and assigned to each MEO.