CBSE – Academic Planner 2023 – 24 in CBSE Affiliated Govt. Management Schools – Certain Instructions

School Education – CBSE – Academic Planner 2023 – 24 in CBSE Affiliated Govt. Management Schools – Certain Instructions – Issued – Reg Rc.No. ESE02/1300/2023-MODAL SCHOOL-CSE, Dt: 07/01/2024
Ref: Academic Planner -2023-24.
The Government of A.P have unleashed a new era in school Education by introducing extensive curricular reforms from the academic year 2021-22, and has taken a historical decision to affiliate all the Government schools in to CBSE in a phased manner. Accordingly, it has decided to implement the CBSE pattern of Examinations in 1000 schools in phase I for the year 2023-24.
In order to establish a level of acceptable quality in all aspects of School functioning the CBSE Board may decide quality assessment criteria and accordingly make it mandatory for the schools to undergo the process quality assessment in a manner prescribed by the Board.