APCFSS Decentralization of functional activities to the Director of State Audit & to Director of Insurance – Orders: Finance Department Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems & Services (APCFSS) Decentralization of functional activities to the Director of State Audit & to Director of Insurance – Orders – issued.

Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.80, Finance (Budget.II-IT, FD, CFMS and Codification) Department, Dated: 12.10.2021.
In the GO read above, Government in order to improve accountability & agility in decision making & support the government in speedy manner have issued orders to decentralize certain functional activities managed by the CEO, Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS), to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Director of Works and Accounts and the Pay and Accounts Officer.
In continuation of the aforementioned orders, Government hereby Issue further orders to decentralize certain functional activities that are being managed by the CEO, Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems & Services (APCFSS), to Director of State Audit and to Director of Insurance as detailed hereunder.
a. The Director of State Audit shall act as the Ex-Officio Project Director, APCFSS for all the aspects related to online pension processing system in eNidhi & Pre- Audit of the accounts of Universities, Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), Rural Local Bodies (RLBs), Agriculture Market Committies (AMCs) and HR&CE, institutions, etc. through CFMS.
b. The Director of Insurance shall act as the Ex-Officio Project Director in APCFSS for all aspects related to online delivery of APGLI services, including maintenance & updating of master tables, monthly checks & random checks of transactions recorded, maintenance & checking of data logs, documentation of the software & version control and taking precautionary measures relating to APGLI data security in eNidhi.
c. The Ex-Officio Project Directors shall be owners of all online processes delivered on the eNidhi & CFMS platforms in relation to their department and custodian of the related databases.
d. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall constitute Core Teams with the competent in-service Officers in their respective domain areas, to provide domain expertise and guidance to the IT teams concerned in APCFSS.
The Ex-Officio Project Directors shall ensure that any new requirements and/or modifications in the existing eNidhi or CFMS modules shall be received, analysed in accordance with the applicable Acts, rules, instructions, etc., converted into appropriate business requirements by their respective Core Teams, & transfer to the IT teams concerned in APCFSS for designing, developing and delivering the software systems and services. They shall also ensure that required field level inputs are provided to the development and business teams in APCFSS to enable them to arrive at practical software solutions.
f. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall take ownership, drive their respective modules, support the development and business teams in APCFSS and also ensure that the end users are highly satisfied with services.
g. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall ensure periodical and timely provision of required MIS reports to the Finance Department and the user departments.
The Government hereby directs the CEO, APCFSS to initiate & complete the process of decentralization of the activities wherever required to the Director of State Audit and Director of Insurance while continuing to extend the required IT support, training & facilitation to them in managing the decentralized activities.
All the Secretariat Departments, HoDs, Government Offices or individuals are requested to make correspondence only with the Director of State Audit and Director of Insurance as applicable, for any new requirements, modifications, incidents, information & eNidhi/CFMS issues.
The Director of State Audit and Director of Insurance and the Chief Executive Officer,
APCFSS shall take necessary action in the matter.
Download G.O.Ms.No.124 Dated: 30.11.2023