SEAS 2023 – State level call center -AP: Rc. No : ESE02/963/2023-SCERT Dt: 01.11.2023
Sub: | School Education – SCERT- SEAS 2023 – State level call center –
Establishment – Reg.
Ref: 1. RC.No:ESE02/963/2023-SCERT Dated:27/09/2023
The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors and District Educational
Officers in the state is invited to the reference cited above, wherein the
orders were issued to conduct the State Educational Achievement Survey
2023 on 3rd Novemeber in sample schools.
To ensure the seamless implementation of SEAS, a state-level call center
has been established. The specified faculty members from SCERT and
Samgra Shiksha have been assigned to address any queries from field-level
The call center will be operational from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the
survey day.