Zone-wise Virtual Meeting convened with all the HMs&MEOs on 06-10-2023 for SSC Failed Students Registration and Readmission

Registration and Readmission
Rc.No. 07/IT-1/2021, Dated: 04-10-2023
Sub: O/o DGE, A.P. – SSC Public Examinations, 2024 — Failed Students
Registration and Readmission of failed Students for AY 2023-24 —
Zone-wise Virtual Meeting convened with all the HMs of High
Schools in the state and all the MEOs of the state — Communicating
Date and Time — Requesting to issue orders for all the High School
HMs of concerned district to attend the Virtual Meeting on 06-10-
2023 — Reg.
With reference to the subject cited, it is hereby informed that a Zone-wise
Virtual meeting (through WebEx Meeting) is being convened by the undersigned
with all the High School HMs on 06-10-2023 (Friday) to provide certain
instructions regarding the ongoing Failed Student Registration, Readmission of
Failed Students for the AY 2023-24 and other matters regarding the overall
conduct of upcoming SSC Public Examinations, 2024.
In view of the above, the District Educational Officers are requested to
communicate the following Date, time and Weblink to all the High School HMs
and Mandal Education Officers of the concerned District with instructions to
attend the Virtual Meeting using the given link on the specified date and time
without fail.

The District Educational Officers of the Concerned Zone and Districts
mentioned above are requested to communicate the respective Link only. The
HMs and MEOs shall be instructed to attend the meeting during the timings
mentioned above.
The detailed WebEx Virtual Meeting Link will also be communicated to the
Official numbers of the DEOs and ACGEs in the O/o DEOs concerned. It is
requested to circulate the Meeting Links in the concerned district’s HMs Groups
and MEOs Groups for wide publicity and to ensure maximum participation for
the benefit of all the stakeholders.
This shall be treated as HIGH PRIORITY.
ZONE -1 LINK:- https:/ /
ZONE -2 LINK:- https:/ /
ZONE -3 LINK:- https:/ /
ZONE-4 LINK:- https:/ /