TS SET HALL TICKETS 2023 RELEASED : Osmania University, Hyderabad is scheduled to release the TS SET Hall Ticket 2023 tomorrow, October 20. Once released, candidates who have successfully registered and will appear in the Telangana State Eligibility Test 2023 will be able to download the admit card from the official website at telanganaset.org.

According to the revised schedule, the online application window without a late fee was closed on August 29, 2023, and the last date to apply with a late fee was September 24, 2023.
TS TET 2023 exam is set to be conducted on October 28, 29 & 30, 2023.
Applicants can refer to the step-by-step process shared below to download the Telangana State Eligibility Test hall tickets 2023. A direct link to download the same will also be provided here once the link is activated on the website.
How to download TS SET Hall Ticket 2023?
Step 1: Go to the official website at telanganaset.org
Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link available for TS SET admit card 2023.
Step 3: A new window will open, enter your login credentials and click on submit.
Step 4: Your TS SET 2023 Hall Ticket will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Download the admit card and get its printout for further reference.