Registration of students in all APR Schools & Junior colleges for India Skills Junior Competition (ISJC)

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Registration of students in all APR Schools & Junior colleges for India Skills Junior Competition (ISJC)

Rc.No. ESE53-ACAD0MISC/60/2023-ACCD, Dated 17/10/2023

Sub: APREIS – Academic (3) – Registration of students in all APR
Schools & Junior colleges for India Skills Junior Competition (ISJC)
2023 – Instructions to the principals – Reg.

Registration of students in all APR Schools & Junior colleges for India Skills Junior Competition (ISJC)

Ref: Proceedings Rc. No. ESE02/986/2023-SCERT, Dated: 10.10.2023
of the Director, SCERT, AP.

In the reference cited, the National Skill Development Corporation
and the Central Board of Secondary Education Collaborated to organize Indian Skills
Junior Competition (ISJC). The main mission of ISJC is to provide school children
and opportunity to explore and make informed of the career choices in a rapidly
changing world and contribute to the economic growth of India through their skills.
In this regard, Kum.S.Hari Priya, Junior Assistant O/o APREIS is here
by appointed as co-ordinator to interact with the Principals of APR Schools & Junior
Colleges and monitoring the said competition.
Hence all the Principals of APR Schools and Junior Colleges are
instructed to encourage more number of students to participate & register the
students in and take necessary action accordingly.
Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
Encl: As above.


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