Payment of DR arrears to AP pensioners

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Payment of DR arrears to AP State Government/UGC/Judicial pensioners or family pensioners –Instruction: Sub: P.S.- T & A Dept.- Pensions- Payment of DR arrears to
State Government/UGC/Judicial pensioners or family pensioners
–Instructions issued- Reg.

Payment of DR arrears to AP pensioners
Payment of DR arrears to AP pensioners

Cir Memo No. D2/2244075/2023 Dt. 27/10/2023

Payment of DR arrears to AP pensioners

Sub: P.S.- T & A Dept.- Pensions- Payment of DR arrears to
State Government/UGC/Judicial pensioners or family pensioners
–Instructions issued- Reg.

Attention of all the District Treasury and Accounts officers in the state
is invited to the subject cited. They are informed that, it has come to the notice
of undersigned that, implementation of DR rates of State Government /UGC
pensioners are being delayed in some cases due to various reasons owing to
this such effected pensioners are being suffered and moving around the
Treasury offices for the DR arrears for which they are actually entitled.
In view of the above, they are informed to issue suitable instructions
to the ATOs/ STOs under their control for payment of DR arrears to the
concerned pensioners, as and when the issue occurred i.e., the DR rate is not
implemented in CFMS in respect of any such pensioners, duly preparing a due
drawn statement.


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