Develop new Telugu textbooks for class X for the academic year 2024-25:SE- SCERT-AP- Development of new Textbooks for class X Telugu deputation of Subject Experts from 8-10-23 to 11-10-23- orders issued – Regarding. Rc.No.ESE02-21/13/2023-SCERT Dated: 03/10/2023

SE- SCERT-AP- Development of new Textbooks for class X Telugu deputation of Subject Experts from 8-10-23 to 11-10-23- orders issued – Regarding. Rc.No.ESE02-21/13/2023-SCERT Dated: 03/10/2023
1. National educational Policy -2020
2. Revision of syllabus and Textbooks from class I to X in a phased manner
3. Minutes of the honorable Education Ministers Meeting on 15-09- 2023.
All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state are here by informed that under Implementation of National Educational Policy-2020, implementation of CBSE curriculum, it is decided to develop new Telugu textbooks for class X for the academic year 2024-25.
In this view of the it is decided to conduct a 4-day workshop to deiced the themes, lessons and topics for class 10th Telugu textbook from 08-10- 2023 and 11-10-2023 with identified subject experts at SCERT, conference hall.
Hence, the District Educational officers are requested to depute the identified Subject Experts (List enclosed) for the workshop and instruct them to report at the Director, SCERT at 10 Am on 08-10-2023 without fail.
The TA/DA will be paid as per norms.
Encl: Annxure
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