Conduct of Study Hours to AP INTERMEDIATE Students: Keeping in view of the academic welfare of the Students, all the Principals of
Government Junior Colleges (GICs) / Aided Junior Colleges in the State are instructed tn
conduct of Study Hours to all the students in their respective Junior Colleges.
Rc.No.ESE51-13/236/2023-E SEC-BIE, Dated: 19.09.2023
Sub:- APBIE – Aca demic — Intermediate Education — Conduct of Study Hours – Certain Instructions — Orders — Issued – Reg.
1) Keeping in view of the academic welfare of the Students, all the Principals of
Government Junior Colleges (GICs) / Aided Junior Colleges in the State are instructed tn
conduct of Study Hours to all the students in their respective Junior Colleges.
2) All the Principals of GJCs / Aided colleges in the State are directed to conduct
study hours from 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M . every day, with immediate effect.
3) Further, it is instructed to follow the time table for conduct of study hours as
mentioned below:
Timings: 4.00 P.M. to 5 .00 P.M. every day excluding Sunday.
AP intermediate study hours time table for GENERAL STREAM:

AP intermediate study hours time table for VOCATIONAL STREAM:

4) 1t is also informed that they should maintain a Students attendance register
for study hours and to submit day wise compliance report to the DVEO / DIEO of the
District concerned.
5) Further, All the RIDs / DVEO / DIEQs / RIOs are requested to monitor the
conduct of study hours in respective Junior colleges.
6) The above time table will come into force with effect from this academic year
i.e.,2023-2024 onwards until further orders.
7) Any deviation from the instructions will be viewed seriously.