Conduct of Practical Examination/Project Assessment/Internal
Assessment for Classes X and XII, for Winter Bound Schools for session 2023-24

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Conduct of Practical Examination/Project Assessment/Internal
Assessment for Classes X and XII, for Winter Bound Schools for
session 2023-24: Subject: Conduct of Practical Examination/Project Assessment/Internal
Assessment for Classes X and XII, for Winter Bound Schools for
session 2023-24 – regarding

As per provisions of Examination Bye-Laws/Scheme of Studies of the Board, the Practical
Examinations/Project/Internal Assessment for the session 2023-24 are scheduled from
1st January 2024 for all affiliated schools in India and abroad. However, the schools
situated in the winter bound areas are expected to remain close during the month of
January due to the winter season.

Accordingly, the Practical Examinations/Project/Internal Assessment for the session
2023-24 for both classes X and X! for winter-bound schools are to-be conducted from 14″ November (Tuesday) 2023 to 14″ December (Thursday) 2023. Please find
attached herewith the SOPs and Guidelines for the conduct of Practical
Examinations/Project/Internal Assessments in winter-bound schools.

Al the schools following the winter bound sessions are therefore requested to take the
following action to ensure the timely completion of practical examinations in respect of their schools:

(1) Prepare the final list of candidates and ensure that no student of the school whose
name has not been submitted in the online LOC to the Board is allowed to sit for
these practical examinations/project/Internal Assessment.

(2) Contact the Regional Office for appointment of external examiners and observers.

(3) Ensure timely completion of Examinations and despatch of answer books to the
regional offices.
These dates and instructions are only for winter bound schools and are not
applicable for regular session schools for which the circular will be issued separately.


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