Conduct of Academic Visits in APR Schools

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Rc.No.ESE53-ACAD0MISC/78/2022-B4, Date: 28/10/2023
Sub:-APREIS – Academic (3) – Conduct of Academic Visits in APR Schools
and Junior Colleges from 30.10.2023 to 04.11.2023.for the academic
year 2023-24 – Orders – Issued – Reg.
Ref:- This office Proceedings Even No., Dated: 09/11/2022.

APREIS: Registration of students for participation in Fit India Quiz 2023

While enclosing the academic visit Schedule, visit report and Verification of
Monthly Academic Report proformas for APR Schools and Junior Colleges, all the
visiting officers designated in the annexure are hereby instructed to visit the
institutions between 30.10.2023 to 04.11.2023.
The visiting team is instructed to follow the guidelines issued hereunder:
1. The visiting team should plan the visit well in advance duly consulting with the
Principal of the visit school within the given stipulated time.
2. The Principal and staff of the concerned school where the visit takes place
should cooperate with the inspection team and no one shall be allowed on
leave on the day of visit.
3. The Visiting Team should review the performance of the teaching staff based
on their findings along with the Monthly Academic Reports already submitted
by the Principal and furnish the same in the Verification of Monthly Academic
Report Proforma.
4. The visiting team should submit the Visit Report & Verification of Monthly
Academic Report Proforma (soft copy) in the prescribed proforma within a
week from the date of visit to the Secretary, APREIS through mail
( and hard copy of report to the District
Convener concerned. No need to send the report by the special messenger.
5. If any additional observations or required more space for the particular issue,
the visiting team may use separate blank papers along with the proforma.
6. Visit should be done fairly and friendly and no matter should be hidden at any
7. The visiting team shall bear full responsibility for any deliberate concealment,
detection of any false report or any mistakes made during the visit.
8. The visiting team should interact with the students and staff separately to
obtain the information.
9. All records, registers and activities of the students and teaching practices &
performance by the teachers should be verified.
10.The visit team shall be very cautious and shall identify the lapses of academic
and administration, if any, and shall mention in their reports.
Further all the team members are informed that there shall be no deviation
against the instructions and receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.


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