Acceptance of Intermediate Pass Certifcates of IPE
March 2023 and IPASE May 2023 in DigiLocker,Sub:- BIE.A.P- Acceptance of Intermediate Pass Certifcates of IPE
March 2023 and IPASE May 2023 in DigiLocker–Regarding.

March 2023 and IPASE May 2023 in DigiLocker
Rc.No.10/C26/2023-24, Dt: 06/10/2023 .
Sub:- BIE.A.P- Acceptance of Intermediate Pass Certifcates of IPE
March 2023 and IPASE May 2023 in DigiLocker–Regarding.
Ref:- 1) G.O Rt.No. 65, Information Technology, Electronics&
Communications (eGOV) Department, Govt. of A.P,dt:16-09-2020.
2) Notifcation issued by Ministry of Communication and
Information Technlogy, New Delhi, dt: 21.07.2016.
It is to inform that the Board of Intermediate Education, A.P, Tadepalli
has already issued Memorandum of Marks (Including Result) immediately after
declaration of the results i.e on 26.04.2323 (IPE) & 13.06.2023 (IPASE) and made
available for downloading by the students from the ofcial website of BIEAP i.e to take admissions for their higher studies. These
certifcates are valid for all kind of admissions as they are ofcially issued and
hosted by the BIEAP.
Further all the Pass Certifcates of Intermediate Public Examination of
March 2023 and May 2023 including the certifcates from the year 2014 were
made available in DigiLocker. These Pass Certifcates in DigiLocker system are
deemed to be at par with Original Physical Pass certifcates as per Rule 9A of the
Information Technology (Preservation and Retention of Information by
Intermediaries proving Rules, 2016 (Section 87 read with section 6A and 67C of
IT Act, 2000) and G.O Rt.No. 65, Information Technology, Electronics &
Communications (eGOV) Department, Govt. of A.P,dt:16-09-2020.
DigiLocker is a platform to access the documents and certifcates issued
by the certifed Authority and verifed the same in a digital way, thus eliminating
the use of physical documents. So there is a need to adopt DigiLocker platform
for providing/accepting documents/certifcates in digital form.
Hence, the memorandum of Marks (Including Result) and the Pass
Certifcates of Board of Intermediate Education, Andhra Pradesh which were
made available at DigiLocker may be treated as authenticated documents at par
with Original Physical copies for all purposes as recognized by Government of
India notifcation at Annexure-1 under rule 9A of notifcation dt:08.02.2017, at