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TS TET HALL TICKETS:The Department of School Education, Telangana uploaded the Hall tickets Telangana Teacher Eligibility Test. TS TET scheduled to be held on 15 September 2023. Candidates appearing in the exam can download the TS Admit Card in order to appear for the exam. The TS TET Hall Ticket 2023 is released on the official website of the Telangana State Teacher Eligibility Test, tstet.cgg.gov.in. The candidates will be required to use their application ID and date of birth.

ts tet hall tickets download

TS TET 2023 exam will be conducted in two shifts – Paper I from 9:30 AM to 12 Noon and  Paper 2  from 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM. The TS TET result is scheduled to be declared on 27 September 2023.


The candidates can check the step-by-step procedure to get the online admit card in this article below:

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of TS TET.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Hall Ticket” link given in the homepage
  • Step 3: Enter your application ID and date of birth to download the admit card
  • Step 4: Click on the “Submit” button.
  • Step 5: Your admit card will be displayed on the screen.

TS TET Hall Tickets : Check Instructions

  1. Go through the information provided in the hall ticket after downloading of the hall ticket and ensure that the all details given are correct.
  2. If there are any minor mistakes with regard to spelling mistakes in Name, Father’s name, Mother’s name, Date of Birth, Gender, Community, or Disability status, they can be rectified in the examination hall in the photo cum Nominal Rolls.
  3. Candidates with unclear/no photograph/Signature on hallticket shall paste a recent passport-size photograph duly attested by a Gazetted officer and approach the District educational officer along with photo Id(AADHAAR or any other Photo Id). The District Educational Officer after due verification shall take a decision with regard to allowing the candidate for the examination.
  4. The Candidates should go through the instructions provided on the Hall ticket carefully.
  5. The Candidate should be acquainted with the address of the centre one day before the examination day to avoid delay in reaching the centre on the Examination Day.
  6. The Candidates will be allowed to write the examination in the allotted centre only.

TS TET Exam Pattern 2023

There will be questions on English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and other subjects. Each Paper consisted of 100 marks. The qualify marks for the exam is 33 Marks.

Subject Name Number of MCQs Maximum Marks
Child Development & Pedagogy 30 30
Language 1 (Tamil or Telugu) 30 30
Language 2 (English) 30 30
Mathematics 30 30
Environmental Studies 30 30
Total 150 MCQs 150 Marks

The candidates can check the official website for more details on the exam and other related information.

Download TS TET 2023 Hall-Tickets 


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