Submission of Egg and Chikki bills at District & Mandal level through IMMS app

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Submission of Egg and Chikki bills at District & Mandal level through IMMS app:School Education Dept., PM POSHAN – Jagananna Gorumudda(Mid day Meal) Submission of Egg and Chikki bills at District & Mandal level through IMMS app – Revised time line Instructions issued 

Submission of Egg and Chikki bills at District & Mandal level through IMMS app

School Education Dept., PM POSHAN – Jagananna Gorumudda(Mid day Meal) Submission of Egg and Chikki bills at District & Mandal level through IMMS app – Revised time line Instructions issued – Regarding Procs.Rc.No.Spl/MDM/2022. Dated. 05.09.2023


1. Review meetings held by the Honorable Chief Minister at HCM Camp Office, Vijayawada. 

2. This Office Procs.Rc.No.Spl.6/Trainings/MDM/2022, dt.23.09.2022.

3. This Office Procs, even no. dt. 18-10-2022.

4. This Office Memo No. Spl/Trainings/MDM&SS/2023, dt.05-06-2023.

5. This Office Procs. even no. dt.23-06-2023.

All the District Education Officers in the State are hereby informed that the Honourable Chief Minister is giving top most priority to the Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid day Meal) Scheme during the review meetings held at HCM Camp Office, Vijayawada and has issued instructions with regard to the clearance of MDM bills in time for smooth implementation of PM POSHAN Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid day Meal) Scheme in the State.

As you are well aware that the Cook-cum-helpers honorarium and Cooking Cost Bills are confirmed and generated at HM level/ Mandal & Districts level through JGM website every month.

Further, it is to inform that from the month of August-2023 all Egg and chikki bills shall also confirmed and proceed through IMMS app only. The detailed timeline and procedure is here under.

EGG, Chikki Bills submission process in the Districts:

All the Mandal Educational Officers shall ensure that all the Head Masters should confirm the bills of Egg and Chikki of Primary Schools, Upper Primary/ High Schools under their jurisdiction of the preceding month in the IMMS app and confirm on 1 day of succeeding month.

The Mandal Educational Officers shall verity bills submitted by the supplier with school wise enrolment and indent placed by the HMS in the phased manner. MEOS concern will confirm the Egg and Chikki bills after duly verifying the Egg and chikki bills by 2nd and 3rd of every month. The Concern MEOS will upload the satisfactory certificate/Good Quality Certificate and non-drawn in MEO login by 3rd of every month. 

All the District Educational Officers shall confirm the bills of Egg and Chikki Of Primary Schools, Upper Primary/ High Schools which are confirmed by the respective Mandal Educational Officers duly verifying mandal wise enrolment and bills submitted by the supplier in all phase by 5th of every month and process the bills.

The bills shall be forwarded to District Treasury Office by 6th of every month the respective tokens to be moved to Waiting for fund clearance. The token numbers which are at WFF state to be submitted to this Office by 6th of succeeding month without fail so as to send the same to CMO for Green channel clearance for the payment of bills in succeeding month. Any deviation in the above instructions will be reviewed seriously.

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